Tribe limit


before i start i am sure this has been discussed already but i wanted to post about this topic

so as i play this game i am noticing one major flaw. Tribes have no member limit... i believe the idea of being able to recruit anyone and everyone is ridiculous for this game. it makes the game less competitive. it takes away from the loyalty of being in a tribe. there are far less incentives to be loyal to a tribe when you can easily go to what apears to be the winning tribe. take beta world 2 for example. LOB and LCS went to war. LOB started taking the inactives out quickly and some of the actives got scared and immediately left to join LOB because they could becausse the already 100+ tribe had no limit to how much it could recruit. I could easily have this world end quickly by having ZAR join LOB then we get rid of the rest of the tribes that dont work well because they decided to invite everyone around the map to their tribe and boom the world could end in less than a 5 months with about 150 people in the winning tribe.

i suggest a tribe member cap of about 50-75 maybe 100. this allows for a tribe to cover a good amount of area without being able to have room to recruit an enemy tribe when that tribe is losing as well as allowing for elite tribes to exist. also stops these massive disorganized rim wide tribes from existing . elite tribe being high point per player tribe that has less members.

the being able to have as many members as you want rule could technically cause a world to be dominated by a tribe that recruits every player that enters and you could theoretically have a world won by the time it starts. depending on the players to have such dedicated loyalty to the tribe that they would stay in that tribe no matter what to the death is not enough to make this game a fun competitive game. sometimes you have to have something like a membership cap to force the loyalty since you cant just leave and join the enemy if they are capped on members


There will come some changes for the tribes. I agree that´s very annoying if the enemies tribe have more than 100 members where only one third is active.


The issue will be how to implement it if there are tribes of a larger size than the proposed limit....


there are several approaches you can take to dealing with tribes above said limit.

1. you can lock their recruitment so they cant recruit any more until they are bellow said limit. this solution doesn't stop the already huge tribes but it keeps them from getting larger at least and eventually they will shrink or divide into sister tribes.

2. you can give them a certain amount of time to get to that member limit and if they don't then you kick the bottom members out of the tribe in order to force the membership limit from the get go. this way you gave them a chance to lower their numbers, make a sister tribe and so on and so forth and if they dont do it in a reasonable time then oh well. you gave them time at least

3. you can just kick the lowest point member until you get to the correct amount. although i do think they need warning i think option 1 or 2 is the best approach. 1 doesn't balance things out right away while 2 does. and 3 is being a jerk but you know gotta balance them games fast sometimes haha.

i would suggest going with 2. give them time to create sister tribes and kick members. maybe give them 4 days to a week to balance things out and if they dont then just force kick their bottom point members. i think it is the fairest way to go honestly


1 would get my vote as most tribes seem to have inactives and this way if they want new members they would have to kick to recruit. Thus cleaning up the tribe.


It takes more that a week to sort thing out in a tribe so I prefer option 1. There is nothing like "reasonable time" about lowering a number in a tribe. but locking them from recriuting will stop them from expanding though massrec methods and force them took kick their members if they like someone stronger to join. in addition to that the ranks should only show the top 40 best of a tribe. That way they will sink in ranks like flies anyways so most of them will see no point in massrec anymore. Full tribes wasn't as common in TW1 cuz of that it didn't rank all 60 members of a tribe. Sure there was still a few big ones with max numbers but there wasn't alot of them. Thing are already balanced.. it's hard to orginize the big tribes anyways so the smaller ones does have some kind of advantage.


I have a 140 member tribe but i agree in creating a tribe limit. This world started without a limit, so you can't demand only 40,60,100 members from the beginning. Tribes like Yo! have 500. it's like kicking 80% of the tribe. Drop it slowly until we eventually reach 100. And to make it work with sister tribes the forum must be shared between this tribes.


seecretlare;n20562 said:
LOB and LCS went to war. LOB started taking the inactives out quickly and some of the actives got scared and immediately left to join LOB because they could becausse the already 100+ tribe had no limit to how much it could recruit.
Lob took down all the strong active players of Lcs in the front lines, i made the attack planner and i know all our targets, so the players next to them asked me to invite them, i declined and so they quit too. I made a recruit from LCS, with players that weren't on the target list, away from the front lines and not so close to other Lob members. They just lack teamwork. We fight as one. And stop that hate on the forum in every thread, stay on topic.


He used that as an example.. you shouldn't have been able to do that in the first place which is why we need that limit


I would still be able to do that, i wouldn't keep inactive members.


Don't want to go off-topic but I'll keep it short, Even with the inacives gone I don't think that the tribe limit would be high enough to let you still invite more people considering you earlier said you didn't have that many. if the tribe limit was 60 then I'd guess youd still be around 80-90 members left active at that point which wouldn't make you able to keep recriuting.


You can't make a tribe limit of 60 in an open recruit server.


200 is too high. 150 is too high. 120 is O.K. 100 seems reasonable. 90-99 is perfect 80 is doable. 60 is too low


150-130. I made a recruit based on the whole map. I have members Rim, Core and in all directions. I can't kick them with an 80 member limit after the recruit is done. Other tribes have 400 and 500 members. they can't kick 80% of their tribe. We must reduce it a logic amount, and reduce it even more from then.


Well alright I would then give 100 members my vote though no more... really the biggest cap I'v seen in a world of all worlds I'v plaid is 100. 120 is to much.

and LuCkIsNoExCuSe the cap would only be to prevent you from inviting more members not to force you to kick them.


i prefer the lower numbers so 60-80 range for a cap on members. i think 100 is a bit much. but yeah option 1 is the best to keep the most people happy. because no one likes being forced to do things. so just a cutoff on the limit is the best way to keep everyone happy.

and luck i only used the case of the enemy being less loyal to their tribes because they can easily switch to the attacking tribe. i wasnt personally attacking your tribe at all. just showing an example of why there should be a limit


Small tribe member limits means lots of sister/academy tribes and we all know what that can be like........ I would prefer a 100 cap myself.


sister and academy tribes are entertaining though. they make my day because the academy tribe usually gets destroyed and sister tribes often or not dont work out. in my past worlds in TW1 i dont think a single world was ever won by sister tribes or a tribe with an academy. the organization between sister tribes can be difficult and often one branch will be weaker than the other. 100 cap is ehh to me. but i think we can compromise at an 80 cap


I know of one that worked, was in W40 but it very nearly didn't........ That was a church world and you couldn't support out of tribe. Had a 60 member cap.


I know a tribe who started out as the academy tribe... Although the main tribe got destroyed or disbanded the academy lived on long and then longer after to win the world.. *shrug* true story :p