Game updates (1.73)


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Latest update: 1.73


Version 1.73

Greetings, Tribal Warriors!

All beta realms have been updated with version 1.73. In this version we worked mostly under the hood of the game, however we still managed to work a bit in some community requested features and improving on past release features such as the the recruitment animation that looks much better now.


  • Added option to turn on and off building and recruitment animations in settings.
  • Improved sorting of own account and co-ops in the logout menu and start page.
  • Added new way to sort attacks in the village info screen.

Bug Fixes

  • In the radial menu the clickable area for the menu items was adjusted.
  • Fixed the overlap in layers for the recruitment animation.
  • In some cases the build cost reduction button remained gray even if you have the necessary resources for this function.
  • Previously in Gwendoline's game, when winning two free shots, the first was used for the shot obtaining it.
  • In certain situations a banned player could login in to a co-op account in the world that he was banned from.
  • Sometimes sending a new attack caused existing attacks to not be displayed.

Previous updates:


Version 1.72

Greetings, Tribal Warriors!

All beta realms have been updated with version 1.72. In this version we improved the ranking system as also the building queue. We also added so animations to the HQ and barrack.


  • Implement an improved ranking.
  • Improved flow when adding buildings to the build queue.
  • Added a "construction started" animation to HQ and barracks.
  • Active worlds are now displayed on the landing page.
  • Seconds were missing in the presets.
  • Removed paladin weapons selection from relocate tab
  • Removed unused Settings tabs
  • Added a confirmation check before spending the crowns boosting barbarians.
  • Changed some texts in the global achievements in order to be clear to understand.

Bug Fixes

  • Edit button in the Tribe forum was only triggered on the second click.
  • Corrected tooltip when trying to mint single coins in a co-op account.
  • Fast switching between villages could've lead the units in hospital to be incorrectly displayed.
  • Build jobs are now removed from the timeline after instantly finishing them.
  • Corrected some texts related to the paladin.
  • Players could not use mass minting / recruiting.
  • Tips are no longer shown when attacking a barbarian and if previous attacks are on their way.


Version 1.71

Greetings, Tribal Warriors!

All beta realms have been updated with version 1.71. In this version we improved the user interface and experience as we also fixed several persistent bugs.


  • Friendlier UI for active provision boosters.
  • All game links are now using https address.
  • When deleting a report the next report will be opened.
  • Added a "bin" delete button to "other reports".
  • Increased duration for the hint display on the re-roll of the Resource Deposit.
  • When receiving more than 1000 attacks now the exact number will be shown in the global overview.
  • In some cases players could end the tutorial with different number of units.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issues around the building queue when the building level is lowered.
  • Now mass recruitment takes in consideration the order
  • Fixed wrong day display for arrival times between 11 pm and 12 am CET (UTC+1)
  • Fixed the icon display in the statue and map when sending the paladin on an attack or relocation.
  • In the Commands Overview, when attacking a Barbarian no longer links to the player profile.
  • In rare cases the Conquest milestone was achieved too early.
  • Fixed issues around the co-op cooldown timers.


Version 1.70

Greetings, Tribal Warriors!

All beta realms have been updated with version 1.70. In this version we continued to improve small aspects of the game in order to improve the gaming experience, as we also corrected several old issues as well as some new ones.


  • Tweaked the donation overview in order to separate the resources from the crowns.
  • Now is possible to open or jump to a village from the command list
  • When using a hotkey the villages list screen closes, when is open.
  • We added a tooltip for amount of items in the inventory window.
  • The pagination is in the inventory is now on the top from the window.
  • When reading a report, if a new one arrives a notification will be displayed.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some old issues with the colour picker in the messages.
  • No longer, when dragging the map into some areas of the screen will result in the whole screen selection.
  • Insufficient resources are now shown red in the coin window.
  • Long village names will not break the layout for the command window.
  • The villages list now sort out properly when you use a 0 (zero) in the village name.
  • The blue indicator is no longer visible when viewing other tribes members list.
  • Fixed the layout the ban reason page, when trying to login to a co-op account.


Version 1.69

Greetings, Tribal Warriors!

All beta realms have been updated with version 1.69. In this version we are proud to say that it was mostly about community requests. We significantly reduced the costs of the tribe skills in the higher levels, as of this update the total cost is two thirds cheaper in terms of crown costs.
We also added the ability to select the paladins weapon straight from the attack screen, and also added more information to the market.
Last but not least, we revamped the inventory. It looks much better and it is much easier to use, take a look.


New Feature

  • Community Request - Added the ability to chose the paladin's weapon from the attack screen
  • Community Request - Added to the market information about the village and tribe from where the offer was created.
  • Community Request - Revamped the inventory.

  • The formula for the tribe skills costs was adjusted, now the total cost is now two thirds cheaper.
  • When spying another village the newbie protection is deactivated. A warning will be shown to confirm the action.
  • The founder is now able to transfer his right to another tribe member.
  • Added a tip when there are unused resources in the inventory.
  • Added a button linking to the village in the event list in the tribe.
  • Removed unused tab "Quest" from the achievements.
  • Improved reports when someone accepted an application to the tribe.

Bug Fixes

  • Tooltips didn't doesn't show correct values in relation to server time.
  • In some cases the founder was not able to to change the member rights.
  • Using the presets the time for conclusion was incorrect.
  • Long forum thread names caused a silent error, now the error is displayed.
  • Time indicators (AM/PM) were missing in the queues and tribe chat.
  • Using the hotkey "p", one could access the Donate Screen without having a tribe.
  • Sometimes the assigned attack hotkey failed to execute.
  • Setting filter while co-op'ing would influence own account.
  • Vault effect when stacked is now correctly displayed.
  • When relocating units, in some cases the units were double counted.


Version 1.68

Greetings, Tribal Warriors!

All beta realms have been updated with version 1.68. In this version we focused in improving the game and add small feature that will make your gaming experience much better!

New Feature

  • Added the possibility to delete all reports.
  • Added error message when inputing invalid characters, in fields like ingame forums, profiles, etc.
  • Added village info button to the tribe event list.
  • Community Request - Added the option to sort players by activity in Tribe Members List.


  • Improved fluidity and performance of the game over long periods of the game session.

Bug Fixes

  • Travel time is now correct when paladin is relocating on his own.
  • After an error trying to found a tribe, the button is re-enabled.
  • The "Contact list" now becomes active after adding contact.
  • Night bonus warning now shows in all required cases.
  • Fixed layout in the village info when marching duration is very long.
  • Mass minting in the Co-op account using groups does not affect players accounts.


Version 1.67

Greetings, Tribal Warriors!

All beta realms have been updated with version 1.67. In this version we improved our Gwendoline's game as we also fixed several bugs.

Bug Fixes

  • Reports should be now removed from the village info page when the report is deleted.
  • Login in with Microsoft Edge is no longer an issue.
  • Changing your password in browser when you're logged in on a mobile device should it make it possible to re-login on mobile
  • The time from reports will show the correct time again.
  • The tooltip from the clock will be shown again correctly
  • The tooltip for travel time is back when you hoover over the icon.
  • Sometimes when you want to instantly complete a building you get an error, this should be work again.
  • In some rare cases some players couldn’t use the mass minting feature.
  • Some players get an time sync warning, this is resolved.
  • The village info shows again the bonuses for the marching time.
  • Presets do not have a strange behavior when activating many quickly.
  • It's no longer possible to send multiple attacks from the same attack window by fast clicking.
  • Time sync was triggered in mass screens multiple times in large accounts making the game slower.
  • Removed warnings about night bonus when attacks arrive outside the night time.
  • In some cases the construction times shown were too high.


Version 1.66

Greetings, Tribal Warriors!

All beta realms will be updated with version 1.66 today, 29.09.2016. In this version we sorted out some bugs and added some community suggestions to the servers.


  • Added a new hotkey: P for Tribe Donations.
  • Added a new timer showing remain time until of the event.
  • When a village does not have faith a new icon will be shown for the active village.
  • You will now see a pop up that warns you about loosing your officers, when trying to cancel a command.

Bug Fixes

  • Missing hotkeys have been added to the hotkey overview.
  • Tool tips will close when moving the mouse out of the area.
  • Removed a night bonus warning when units are chosen for support command.
  • Game notification will no longer be visible when the game shows a message.
  • The village overview no longer breaks into two lines if long words are used.
  • Players with a wide screens will no longer see a broken menu bar.
  • The appropriate tribe skills will now be shown in the attack window.
  • When disabling the "Infinate village loop" the arrows on the first and last village are not be shown as active.
  • When deleting a report, if a new one is coming in, this will no longer delete all reports.
  • When comparing players now all data is correct.
  • Single village boost are now shown in the overview.
  • Pagination settings for reports tribe events are now independent.
  • Coops can no longer get access to their tickets.
  • Villages are now be sorted correctly by name when using numbers.


Version 1.65

Greetings, Tribal Warriors!

All beta realms have been updated with version 1.65. In this version we short out some bugs and added some community suggestions to the servers.


  • Implemented a Hotkey for the Resource Deposit (community request).
  • When login in to a world, if you are co-op in another account you will be shown your account on top.
  • It is now possible to select and copy text in the forum and messages.

Bug Fixes

  • Switching between 'Anyone can join' and ''Application only" is now always working correctly.
  • The barracks boxes for legendary and epic offers were adjusted so all unit names would fit.
  • Fixed the display error in the tavern while recruiting multiple spies and canceling one of them.
  • Instant recruiting the paladin no longer cost crowns if you have the item for it.
  • Changing the time in the computer no longer create display issues.
  • Icons for "attacking village" and "defending village" are now showing correctly.
  • The coins minted using mass minting are counted correctly for the achievement "the weight of education".
  • Building time for the next order is now correct, when a order is finished by "finish for free" or with crowns.
  • Assigning hotkeys from the circle menu does not show change until reopening the map.
  • Unit amount was missing in the quest tooltip for one unit.
  • If a village is conquered during unit relocation the units will die.
  • The recruiting time is shown correctly everywhere.
  • The lines in the map do not vanish anymore when relocating units.
  • Now it is possible change the size of the chat window with Firefox.
  • Linked reports now display all information correctly.
  • Using the hotkey "Q" does not break the mass building anymore.


Version 1.64

Greetings, Tribal Warriors!

All beta realms have been updated with version 1.64. In this version we short out some bugs and added a few visual improvements, but most of the work was focused on technical improvements to the servers.


  • Tribes profile is now limited to 8000 characters.
  • Added a smart time to the hospital displaying units in the building.
  • Added server time and all times are now shown based on server time.

Bug Fixes

  • Using the free instant build no longer throws the error of not enough crowns.
  • Bountiful Harvest is now always credited into the correct world.
  • Tribe Skill "Member Limit" is now only show to tribe members.


Version 1.63

Greetings, Tribal Warriors!

All beta realms have been updated with version 1.63. In this version we bring you Gwendoline's game! And a few improvements to the timeline.

New Feature

  • Gwendoline's Game

  • Tavern recruitment now is shown in the timeline.

Bug Fixes

  • Timeline is correctly updated after canceling a spy recruitment.


Version 1.62

Greetings, Tribal Warriors!

All beta realms have been updated with version 1.62. In this version we have tweak some parts of the user experience and fixed some bugs.


  • When recruiting by click on the value box now the field is selected for an easier input.
  • The report indicating that your support request was answered now contains a link to your request.

Bug Fixes

  • The filters now work correctly choosing the group in the mass minting function.
  • After losing a village all information about the incoming commands to that village is no longer shown.
  • Changing presets in the mass recruitment screen now updates the values correctly.
  • Contact list button is deactivated correctly when you have no contacts.
  • Buttons for the market offers are now updating as you change villages.
  • No more night bonus warnings when attacking barbarians.
  • Fixed broken layout in the barracks when an epic offer was present
  • Tutorial no longer aborts by clicking several times on a highlighted field.
  • Fixed the behavior of the unit sorting functions.
  • After editing a post in the tribe forum, the time continues to be visible.


Version 1.61

Greetings, Tribal Warriors!

All beta realms have been updated with version 1.61. This version brings a few community requests from the past and some bug fixes.


  • User session becomes invalid after password changing (no info for user).
  • Improved the graphical interface for the resource information in the mass mint screen.

Bug Fixes

  • The icon for an order is now correctly shown in the header in the filter for units at the villages overview.
  • In some cases the in the overview the spy command on the way was not shown.
  • With the vault boost active the resource numbers when the warehouse was full was not always shown in red.
  • Timeline for the spy recruitment is now always correct
  • When a village is conquered, the bountiful harvest is correctly removed.
  • Fixed some cases of a broken layout of the game notifications.
  • In rare cases the report information was not correctly shared.
  • Now villages without barracks are also listed in the mass recruitment

Version 1.51 - 160
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New Member
I guess I'm a bit late on this too,
About the server time.
I found it can be little confusing with the way it calculates the "yesterday" from my timezone.
example. its 22 PM server time. I'm 1 AM my time. Something happens at that 22 PM. Messages/reports say its yesterday 22 PM so It makes me think its 25h away instead of 3.


I'm a bit late, but about the event game:
I like the basic idea. But the event itself isn't very stimulating if you know what I mean. It's just a few clicks and... mh, guess I won something. It's so static and didn't really got me...

And a little bug happend to me.
When the event ended I didn't reload the game and I could still open the wheel. When I then pressed the "Shoot" button I got this:
Notice how the "Quest"-marker for this event disappeared after opening the wheel. It showed up again when closing the window, even though the event was over.

And I noticed a small new change in the village info. (I'm not sure if this is a bug)
All unittypes that are currently in a village are shown with a bigger width.

Wanna guess what unit types are within this village? Right :D
Is this an expected behavior?


Thanks Kaemmelot.
I have reported the village information width as a bug :)


A quick feedback from me:
Could you please adjust the header in the market for these cases?
The background looks wrong to me.

I like the look new inventory. But it's inconsistent and confusing I think. Please compare these:
inventory1.jpg inventory2.jpg
Why is there no Icon and number for unit packages in the description?

And how about a second number on the left to show what kind of package it is?
See this:
I'm looking for the package with 20 spearman. But where is it? There is no order and I have to click on every package to find it.
A number would be helpful:

And with this inventory, there need to be categories or some kind of order and a possibility to combine packages! See this:
This is a nightmare!

For the attack screen it would be nice to get a better popup for the paladin weapons:
The Lance is level 2, but what values does level 2 has? I would need to go to the statue. Especially for the Scepter it would be helpful to have a popup like for the officers below.

Then just a short comment about this forum:
Why is update 1.68 and mobile update 1.66 not within the Updates section, but within the announcements?

And a question about further updates:
Will the next updates finally contain the graphics that where presented in Innogames TV (in this October episode)?


Thanks for the overall feedback. We will pass it along.

Then just a short comment about this forum:
Why is update 1.68 and mobile update 1.66 not within the Updates section, but within the announcements?

This, I have no idea why I did. But it has been correctly moved to the right section.

And a question about further updates:
Will the next updates finally contain the graphics that where presented in Innogames TV (in this October episode)?

There is no date/time for this update. It is still in development.


Tweaked the donation overview in order to separate the resources from the crowns.
I don't see any changes o_O

We added a tooltip for amount of items in the inventory window.
It's now better, but still I would show these numbers all the time, because it's easier than hovering over all items. Just the click was removed till now.
Also you missed the resources and resource packages when adding this ;)


Nice update! Keep on the good work :D

I don't see any changes o_O
View attachment 80

It's now better, but still I would show these numbers all the time, because it's easier than hovering over all items. Just the click was removed till now.
Also you missed the resources and resource packages when adding this ;)

The crown image is bigger? :) I think they change the size.