Rejected 10 groups


Can you please increase the number of groups available from 10? I currently manage 87 villages and without more groups it will get exponentially more difficult


What do you mean use numbers? Are you talking about village naming? I'm talking about village management and using filters during overview as well as over map management by viewing village icons which then signify specific information


I personally only use 3 groups. D, O and Noble Target. other than that i don't need nor know what else i would use groups for. and i thnk what he means by village numbers is that you can group all like villages together so that when you scroll down all villages of a same type would be next to each other. personally i find the overviews useless in this game except to figure out where your resources are and what troops are home everything else i do from the map. sure its a lot slower than we used to do it in TW1 but the whole game seems to make this a lot less of who can spam a few buttons on a computer faster and more into an actual game.


Yep I know what yor talking about, I also got 70 villas... you want to group your villas... name the first village in the first group f.e. Group 1.1 ... and so on...
as the overview is bugged anyway... just a suggestion


I'm not talking about naming villages. I want to label and sort them using the village overviews filter. Right now I don't have enough groups to sort both defensive, offensive, and targets groups with just a limit of 10. Can you try allowing 20?


My personal opinion is, that 10 groups are enough. But let us wait for further opinions.


Hmm, i have used all 10 in one world and want more but maybe thats my micro grouping. Also i don't see an icon for a church and i definitely want them marked so i have to use one of the others... Currently the fish skeleton is my church marker (fish is early christian symbol), and i can't see an icon suitable for a berserker......


Empo;n25327 said:
I'm not talking about naming villages. I want to label and sort them using the village overviews filter. Right now I don't have enough groups to sort both defensive, offensive, and targets groups with just a limit of 10. Can you try allowing 20?

We are not blind sir. We know exactly what you are talking about but i don't want the devs wasting times on this when there are much more important issues to address so we have given you the most viable workaround. The point is you won't have to filter your villages if you just name them similar they will all be in a line and you scroll down to the first one of the group its just like you filtered them without actually doing so. Perhaps you can give me an example of how you have different groups for your villages as you listed three groups to me and that is far less than 10.

@zean i usually use the points to tell me where the churches are.


I mean my churches... but yes points do highlight where a church is unless you have managed to work out what buildings not to level up to get your villas to the same points. Harder here to do as you can't demolish buildings without using cats or sabs.


Ya i know i hate it that i have HQ's at 27 and 29 that were built by previous owners and there is no good option to get that farm space back. I could cat them but heck i'll just leave them to throw a wrench in the enemies who try to figure out where my churches are. especially since my camouflage hides my church and puts churches in villages that don't have them. As for where mine are i've just memorized their geographic locations but again points can also to some degree tell me where my own churches are too.


I dont think its really important... I have 1 Church in 76 villas... and I never attacked at 50% faith, nor were attacked at 50% faith... :D


Explain you have 1 church or 76 churches? and if only 1 church how have you never fought at 50%?


Only 1 Church and 75 villages, not 1 per villa :D I build them where I need them, after I dont need them anymore, I just re-conquer the villa where it was built :D


lol - suggesting you use a naming convention to group your villages - haha. That's straight out of the noob manual. Why not put a big sign up telling the whole server what you have there :)


for me i use 1 do label O 1 for D and then 5 for all the different types of O i have. and then 1 for a specialized defense and 1 for my nobles. so that is 9 but that is for my own villages... say i wanted to label enemy villages. well i can already label them according to what they might have in them build wise and if i plan on nobling them i use my noble tag. so i dont see the point in having more than 10... i dont know what else you could use for the tags unless you have far more verying defensive builds than i do... lol


Well some people dont preserve their nukes... I prefer to use them XD


Empo;n25004 said:
Can you please increase the number of groups available from 10? I currently manage 87 villages and without more groups it will get exponentially more difficult

Is it possible to increase the number of groups from 10 to 20?