Recent content by Trolin

  1. LOB vs ZAR

    You are welcome to trash talk us. Just expect to get it right back =P A decently sized tribe? How is LOB a decent size... I think the word you were looking for was "the biggest tribe in the world thus far" ... just saying ;) - And yes, how we are tackling it so far, is pretty good...
  2. Map - top ten

    Where did LCS go? *wink* Hail ZAR!
  3. Top 3 tribes

    The blue is growing more than the pink and green ;-)
  4. LOB vs ZAR

    xD dose imagez.. i have met my rival troll
  5. LOB vs ZAR

    Dirty sabotage tricks are already in play. This post will be edited with names that have used dirty tricks on us, where we will re-pay with dirty tricks back to them. HighMark (sabotage dirty trickster)
  6. LOB vs ZAR

    Greetings to all. *bows his head to Soul, Rusty, SL* I would like to inform everyone, that ZAR will be spilling a whole lot of blood, without using sabotage. We are simply too cool, to use this crappy function to the extent it has been used by many players and tribes by now. Those who use it on...
  7. Rejected 10 groups

    @ TheBlackOne -- You do need a church in each province... But thanks for sharing your info (:
  8. : Opening of the website

    A big hug and a few pats on your back, sir. Heimdall
  9. Rejected Crown Sharing

    Sure this is a good idea. There should be a limit though. Maybe something like send xxx amount of crows per month/3months/6months. When I first read the title of this thread, I thought it was "send minted coins to your friends" and was gonna say that this is not a good idea =p
  10. Losing a won Fight

    Hey guys! Just thought I'd give everyone a really awesome thing to do, while we wait for the roll-back. Stop. Thinking. About. The. Game. For. A. Day. (or two) - This is not at all directed to one person
  11. Market - unFix Ratio

    Yeah good point Zaen, I should have mentioned that myself as that was the original reason why I said 15. It would indeed create a whole new environment and give people many more options
  12. Losing a won Fight

    ^ Yep. And just to add to the story, I have a theory that there has been some mails flying around from players who "don't care" about the game and being banned means nothing to them. They have been told to effectively use this bug, so that the people who don't use the bug, can take villages...
  13. Losing a won Fight

    Lol Luck. So you are not denying that you used the bug. That's great! It's like a criminal in court saying: "Hey guys, I killed this person. I hope other people will also kill this person" -- jeez dude. you need to get a sense of reality. -- I think they are gonna roll back the world for Friday...
  14. Wanted: Disappearing Units

    There are also some issues on beta world 3 Rudimentum with this happening. The support team have been informed and forwarded reports to devs.