Wrong gift on the daily login awards


If you stay logged in and you don't reload the page or log out and re-log in you don't get the reward for the second day(or the third etc). I have accepted the reward on the first day of the update and the second I didn't get it since I didn't log out or reload the page on the second day. On the third day I reloaded the page and I was back on the first day award. Today I reloaded the page and I am on the second day. This is clearly a bug since the daily gift exist also in grepolis and does not have this problem.

The steps to reproduce are simple, take the first day award, stay logged in for 2 more days without reloading the page and on the 3rd day reload on log out and re-log in, you will be back on day 1.

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I have moved this to the Bug Section.

The bug is known, but for now to get your rewards you just need to either refresh the page or enter the game by the log in screen.


I know how to fix it, I wrote it on my description ;) . It may be known but I am the only one to report it on the previous topic. It is a bug on the 1.6 so I believe it belongs in that thread for the mission. If you keep it here I will not able to participate in the mission with it. Unless of course this does not count as a bug for the mission because it was reported through the support(I can't find it in the bug section) or because it was found by an admin in which case it should be mentioned on the description of the mission(It's not mentioned).