When will open Beta start?


Can we please have updates here on how the testing is progressing.
I have been constantly checking F.B and here for a chance to join in, a long with a lot of others.But there has been no new keys for a couple days now. Are there no more keys to be handed out? If so we would like to know so we don't waste time in keep on looking for them.
I hope its going well there and we can all join soon, just give us idea when :)


There is no date for the Open Beta yet. We still have a lot to test, to implement and to improve. Just keep an eye out for the keys, we will send out more every now and then. ;)


-Vanguard.-;n3061 said:
There is no date for the Open Beta yet. We still have a lot to test, to implement and to improve. Just keep an eye out for the keys, we will send out more every now and then. ;)

I've been keeping both eyes out looking for keys and there has been none for about 3 days. When is the next lot coming out? As its very annoying that I constantly look and there's nothing to find. It would be better if you turned around and said that there's no more keys or say when it will be posted. So I wouldn't have to look all the time.


just had a closer look at the video you posted and found a key :)