Web forum timeout


Could we add state and a better inactivity timer to the forum. currently if i alt+tab and play the game for 30min i then need to log back into the forum.beta.tribalwars2.com website and after logging in i then have to re-navigate. Would it be possible to fix both the auto timeout and lack of state?


You could always check the remember me checkbox when you go to log in.


That involves saving credentials locally within a browser which is no fun. I'm not interested in doing that. Ideally i'd like to see a single login that is persistent until restart and potentially a 2 factor option.


We will not up the timer to be permanent or until the browser is closed - we would be dealing with security issues with this.

We can however look into the actual time, where you go inactive and see if we can set it to a higher number.


I know my bank (HSBC) does it so i'd think there is a secure way to do it, but yes the inactive timer would be very helpful. Currently ever time i alt+tab to check my account and then come back to forums i need to reauthenticate and then lose my place because it defaults to the index.