Rejected [Troop Actions] Site to site Support transferrals


This is on similar terms to army camps, but in terms of support. It would let you (once your troops are stationed) to move them from site to site. It's not OP, and it makes more sense than back and forth, then back and forth again to quickly support different locations.

Limitations, needs none, since it's not OP against coordinated attacks.
Controlled only by the supporting player too.
Perhaps restrict the use of tactician in the site-to-site transfer.


The thing is we have to keep in mind they don't have instant communication like we do. The reason they come back every time is to receive new orders so if you implement this feature there needs to be a courier time for the orders to get relayed to them before they instantly march off on new orders. The courier can move at scout speed as they are usually the same unit but the time would stil be needed for this game. since there is no cell phones to just call over and issue the orders.


Samuri, you're not meant to butt in with your dang'ol realism!

I understand that, and now that I hear it. I'll revoke my suggestion. (That is, unless you could send orders which would beat a double trip back and out again into a out, and then a side-step sort of.)

Like Troops from A support B, A learns that C is now under attack. A sends orders to B to move to C. Nek minut. Troops are moving as the orders get to them. It could be at a fast speed or even spy speed to simulate a fastrider. A little hard to organise perhaps. Especially if you bring troops back post-new orders. Maybe have a spy mission to renew orders which would make any troops in the village move to another. It's getting a little complex now.


Yes it is a very fast process. Send a rider out with Scout speed and they issue the orders. This would speed things up as swords move slower so back tracking and returning would be slow. It also allows for a change in trajectory which would cut travel time off if the vectors it left from the new location would be shorter routes than the vectors from the original. This would be easy to implement as far as moving the troops go now adding the ability to a spy or other unit to deliver the orders would be much more problematic.


Samuri 4 life;n28432 said:
Yes it is a very fast process. Send a rider out with Scout speed and they issue the orders. This would speed things up as swords move slower so back tracking and returning would be slow. It also allows for a change in trajectory which would cut travel time off if the vectors it left from the new location would be shorter routes than the vectors from the original. This would be easy to implement as far as moving the troops go now adding the ability to a spy or other unit to deliver the orders would be much more problematic.

To keep it simple perhaps just have to option near the "send back troops button" And have a picture of an eye, saying. "Relocate troops" Then a spy mission would occur (and of course even a spy would be able to move faster than the quickest horse, seeing how even a 500LC attack would need to bring supplies. So when the spy arrives, instead of having a "spy has done sneaky beaky spy stuff" report, it'd have a mission sent so that it is a support mission with the timing and calculations of a support going from town B to town C, but instead have it launch so its actually just going really fast from Town A to Town C, though it looks like it's from town B.


I think you could piggy back the troops on the already set up abilities for B to send troops to C no need to be messing with the timing formulas. Just have it launch from B just as if it were sent from there but only after the Spy mission has completed and they have received the orders. This would tie up the spy in the village to prevent it from being abuses to. Since if a stack could be relocated next door instantly then the enemy would have no chance of every winning as an attacker against a Good defender.


it'd tie up the spy, too. And any good coordinated attack would require more defense than you have villages. :D Also you'd have to coordinate defense moves with your teammates if they were to control the support in your village to go to another, etc.


That is only true if it is one person versus a tribe as a defender but when its tribe on tribe thats not true. I currently have 100K stacks partially m own partially my tribe. with 110% faith a paladin with banner and part of that d being 10K HC would you mind telling me who has enough nukes to get through it? The entire front of my 3 villages are like this i don't care how you coordinate there is not much an attacker can do.