Tribe missions


Before i start, Ive searched this on the forums and on the wiki but couldn't find anything about it. So here i go.

My question is about the feature: Tribe missions. I can see (as a tribeleader) that there is that section on the tribe. You cant click it yet just as the 'war' and 'noble' section. I thought this ment that it was still in development. When are these features being releashed? And what can we expect of it? Ive been waiting for those functions. I hope they come soon and be good.

Quick note: The ingame forum sucks. It has tons of buggs, hard to find where something is posted (when there is a new response) and a cap at 1000 characters. I hope this changes soon.



New Member
Pretty sure InnoGames are still developing the in game forums and improving them. They also said the Noble Planner and the Wars tabs would be released soon (in a later version). You just have to be patient :D


Skull is correct. The noble planner and war tabs will be added later. We are also aware of the state of the ingame forum. If you have further suggestions, please visit this thread. Make sure to read the second post completely before posting an idea.


Moved this thread to FAQ/Questions.
At the moment there are other priorities than add new features. Well, our devs are still develope things like tribe mission, but the priority is more at bugs.