Fixed Tribe forum bug - threads with new replies not appearing


I have noticed a strange bug related to the tribe forum. When someone answers a thread, while i'm onlince, i can see the indication for new forum posts in the bottom icon bar, and also when i enter the forum main page i can see which section and which thread were answered.
however, when i go to the respective forum section, the thread with the new response is missing :)
this happens every time and gets fixed upon reloading

edit: actually the new threads are in the list, but they are moved to the bottom of the list, and their post count is set to -1. the threads however open fine and all posts are diplayed
i've sent a ticket with some screenshots


Could you please provide us the screenshots also here? Thanks in advance for your cooperation.


Confirmed! When the unread threads are read, they are moved in the correct order. It doesn't happen all the time though.


Thanks for providing the screenshots. I don't know if it is fixed already. I'll investigate that.