To much players and only few barbalian villiages


Let´s discuss about this:

What would you do if that would happen to you on a fresh new server? Would you restart?


We are aware of this problem and working on solutions to make it equally fair for all players. =)


You can farm those little players? But there is room free for barbs to place.


I have 16 barbs easily within farming distance of me, so... eh? I may just be lucky.


i think the problem is easy to solve. we have provinces so the easyest way is to say:
in each province can max. join 10 players and in every province are 10 babarien villages. babarien vilages can´t stay side by side.
so all peovinces are more fair and bysides you can still have a ittle luck :)


BigSnipe;n5303 said:
i think the problem is easy to solve. we have provinces so the easyest way is to say:
in each province can max. join 10 players and in every province are 10 babarien villages. babarien vilages can´t stay side by side.
so all peovinces are more fair and bysides you can still have a ittle luck :)

i dont agree with the numbers but i agree with the ideia, i mean, have a fixed numbers for provinces... nice. But just in my province are around 12 players and 10 babarian villages and a lot of space to be filled so if there are only 20 villages for provice that would be little, i think maybe 15 players and 15/20 barbarien villages (at start we need a lot of barbarian villages not players villages that if for late game)