Shocking new farming feature. Debate please


So while I was farming just now, this happened:
This is per village, but still.... No more micro-farming? no more 2-5 MA/LC/HC per attack? or even 10-30axe/spear/sword/archer farm runs?
I can see the point. Now where the release of troops getting bought, the people spending money on the game have a huge advantage early on, since they have 2 or 3 times as many troops as the people not getting the troops.
Re-roll legendary/epic troops for even bigger advantage.
So the players buying the troops are punished.
The players not buying the troops also punished.
wut wut?


I agree... It does not take more then 3-5min to send out 50 attacks using the "attack again" quick clicking. more than 50attacks should be allowed. Since this is a limit/village... it seems fair. You just have to send larger farming parties.

If this is a total limit, that MUST be changed.


So you think it's okay with 50attacks/per town?
What about fakes?
What about attacking different players with the same village, causing confusion? where has that gone now.... It's not JUST about farming


Are you serious...... :eek: :eek: :eek:

Did not know that, but this is what i think of it............Bull....
if this is starting with that now, 'you can not have more than 50 attacks'.....

It a bloody war game.....:confused:


Per town i don't see being that much of a disruption to be honest, it it was total that would be ridiculous.