Server problems??

I cannot log in.... while i was logged it, I was notified a connection could not be established and when i reloaded... all i got was this


Hello, if would be nice if you didn't highlight the whole page and paste it here. If you want to show us what happened then use one of the free image sharing websites after you've print screened and saved the print screen.

Print screen captures your screen.

However, we cannot reproduce problems such as this on the forum and since this is an in game problem please message the support.

Beta Support
En Support
is this not the place to report ingame problems and ideas?

If not, that whats the point of the room (Closed Beta)... or any other room that has posts which you claim to send to developers!


It is indeed the correct place for reporting bug.
We just need more information from you to actually investigate this issue.

Which would is it that you are trying to connect to?
What error are you getting?