Score for troops


As the game tries to balance itself with regard to score, its seems counter-intuitive not to include troop strength as part of a players score. A player half your score can have four times as many troops, in theory - and you get a morale punishment for attacking him? I understand there are strategies to get around such things, its just I think troops are an indication of someone's progress, as are buildings, so should be considered in their score.


That's why you have spies for.
personally, I think it should not be calculated in the score.
game gets to easy then.


If you now how big your enemy army is, then you would not attack him. That is bad idea. TW always worked this way, even other similar games count only building (population) points. The only thing that is keeping the track about troop strength are bashpoints.


Imperia Online, Illyriad - would be considered a similar games - yet they do as I remember - so please dont claim other similar games don't do it - if you must refer to other games, then adding other games in my experience, or, other games I have played. As usual with forum posts, the responses do not seem to answer the actual question or suggestion. I am referring to the penalty that is applied by attacking players with smaller scores. In my opinion, I think this doesn't work correctly under the current system, as troop numbers are not taken into account. I think, if a player can amass a big army and attack players then it is only right, others can attack him without penalty. Either way - it is an opinion, and I'm not sure it is helpful other members adding comments when they clearly haven't taken the time to read it properly - and it is definitely not helpful saying it is a bad idea. It is an opinion - if you have your own - then feel free to start your own posts :)


We clearly play different games. I do not know those but I know many others that do not include mainly the armys power to first place of the score but the population or buildings points. If feel you are overnumbered, then you should ask your allies to help you. Even then, you are not the only person who can win the world for your side (I do not know if you are from the dark side), you must cooperate and I do not think one player can easily outnumber armies of two players.
The important thing is, if you applied big penalty for having strong army, you could easily kill them by sending reinforcements to the abandoned villages or players who are going to end the game which are attacked by your enemies. Every strong player with big army usually farms a lot, so defending the villages he farms would be a great loss for him, if there was a big penalty. Of course, those abandoned villages have no walls, you have got no bashpoints for that. But at the end of the day he loses more than you because of the big penalty. Do you get my point?