Restarting world


Restarting world does not restart quest lines in world 2.


It doesn't do on world 1 either. It also doesn't restart the tutorial, because you know how to play. All you get is a fresh start with noob protection.


Not if you assume that the tutorial guides ppl with a lack of gaming skills. Tho one one hand we do have a player which knows the game, he can make a decision about the tactic that fits best to his current situation and on the other hand we do have nooby players. They at least have some troops and are guided through the game.

It's fine. ;)

Beside, the purpose of that tutorial is not to boost you in the early game, it's intention is, that new players are guides through all game aspects and features so they do not become frustrated and quit. ;)


What about the third building slot which is available as a quest reward?
Players who restart the world have only two building slots.


When you restart on a world you keep everything you gained during completion of your quests.


I restarted and have only two building slots.

Previoulsy I had three after completing the quest.


Yes but you received the item again, so you can simply use it again.

This Item is bound to a village so as you will agree that you don't have the same village after restarting you can't have the third slot here. That's why you receive an item instead.


I'm sorry to tell you but i didn't recieved any building slot item again when i did the restart... I can just buy new but i do not have the free one i gained before. Also it would be nice to start with the 40 spearmen again just to farm the barbarian villages directly.. Now it takes just more time


Have you reached the points at which the slot was given the 1st time? It may be that it will automatically be given then so as to keep it fair (if it doesn't/hasn't it should be to keep fair). Not giving the spear men does mean that you are at a slight disadvantage as well.