Resource Deposite Job Id not found


Sometimes I get the message: "Job id 128024 not found" if I click on "Run Errand" in the Resource Deposit. The ID changes with every click on a "Run Errand".

After refresh of the browser window (Firefox F5), It works again as expected, but most of the "Rewards" are gone. Before the refresh there where about 20 rewards to click, after the refresh there are only 5 Rewards to click.

By the way, how can someone collect 10000 Resources if there are only 5 Errands with resources in average size 200?
Clicking on "Get new Errand" just exchanges the Errands which are left. If there are none left, the "Get new Errand" is kind of useless.

Browser: Firefox 35.0.1
Realm: Beta1 (Expertus)


That is because you have rerolled the errands but the time to make them has run out. The new errands that you get are vallid only for the current "job" and they disappear(or in this case they are not found) if you don't do them in time. It is a bug, they should disappear afetr the time runs out but they don't.

In order to collect 10K resources you need to reroll many times(haven't tried to collect them, so I don't know exactly how many). Which means that you need to be a premium user. The new errands button gives you new errands when you have finished with the defaults. Every reroll is new errands in you have completed the previous.

I hope that explains it and if I am sorry if I am mistaken anywhere.