Forwarded Resizing the presets.


Today i did something stupid (nothing unusual in that!). I had recently added a 3rd preset to my troops. I was in a hurry and sent out a farm run. What i didnt notice was that the preset now need to be scrolled down for me to send attacks instead of support if i wanted to use the last preset. I only found this out when i had a report come in to say my support that been attacked! By myself when i sent another farm run out...... I had vaguely wondered what had happened to some of my troops but as i was busy i hadn't looked further! Luckily i caught this in time and recalled the rest of the support from multiple villas before i farmed them....

So is it possible to either resize the presets or enable us to make the box bigger if we choose? Only being able to see 2 presets in full is a bit useless.......


As you can see above the 3rd setting, my usual farming one is only showing support, i need to scroll down to send as an attack. It would be much clearer and easier if the box was resized, we are able to change the size our selves to suit or we could reorder the listing to put most common send at top.


You can see more presets if your screen has higher resolution; for example I can see 5+ presets on my 1080p screen. The minimum usable screen resolution is intended to be 1024x768, so if you have a worse screen than that you will probably have issues. I do feel it would be worth the developers exploring ways to show a bit more content on lower screen resolutions, though, as issues like this do crop up even at 768p. For example, opening reports, mails, the tribe forums, or the village HQ will make whatever screen you're looking at unusable.


My lappie has 1366x768 but s its a lappie the screen is only 15". Itsa t the max res setting.