Reported Remember Login - Not Working


Every time I log in I click on Remember me both on my PC and Laptop at home and on my work computer. The Remember me is not working because I have to sign in each time


Sure thats been broke again fixed again broke again. If you want to get around that then never log out. Go into your browser settings to start where you left off and pin the tab. people should make more use of this feature anyway because theres no real reason not to have chrome remember your tabs except on public access terminals. I never log out of the game and which the ability to switch between worlds you don't even need to log out for another world. I play on two servers so i have two tabs open 24/7 all i have to do is press F5 every morning and i'm good to go for the day.


Hey, thank you for reporting the issue. I can confirm it's also not working on my end.


i am using Chrome and had the same issue
i think Chrome has some new version, which is linked with your google account, or gmail account. i had to log in to my google account to have my passwords remembered. now i have no problem, apart from having the office bookmarks copied also to my home pc, and the home pc bookmarks copied also to the office one (but that's chrome's fault)


I would ditch opera if i was you the practicality of it on tw2 is not what it used to be on TW and there are faster browsers out there that are much more efficient.


Divas;n28557 said:
Opera, same problem for a very long time.

Opera is not a supported browser, and we will not fix bugs directly caused by this browser.


Samuri: sorry to tell you that here is not any faster browser. Originally, we tested all available ones on TW1, and Opera won..., which was my reason to use it, and is still winning when you nedd 50 offs arriving within 3 seconds (my own record is (well, was, as I am no more in TW1) 57).

LiamAird: sorry to hear that you will not "support" all knwon and used browsers. I really do not understand why, as this browser is really widely used (and I have 47 years of experience in informatics LOL). But OK, I take note, thanks.


Opera is a known browser, yes. But it is far from widely used.
Afaik it is one of the lesser used browsers :)


Hi there,
It use to work... but Ive cleared cache and reloaded and it seems to be broken again, using google chrome..


I sometimes works sometimes it doesn't that has always been the case with this it seems. mostly when I restart browser or maybe it is when I restart my laptop it seems to forget and stops to remember.


We have reported our new findings to our developers.
The play button will store the session correct, while the left side menu will not.