Registration Process not clear?


I just would like to know, what wents wrong here.

First i preregistred some time ago. I received a mail where i was pleased to confirm my registration while clicking the provided link. Ok, that's pretty much common.

But now the process is pretty unusual I think.

1. The link in the mail is clickabble multiple times and EVERY TIME ist says, thanks for the registration. I think it should detect, if i already confirmed my registration or?

So, the Closed Beta started and I needed to remember my password (it seems, that I forgot it). So I tried to use the "forgot password" functionality. Here I had two different happenings.

1. The mail adress ins INVALD (WTH?!?!)
2. The systems keeps "cheking" but nothing happens.

So, on one hand, my adress is used and preregistred, on the other hand it's not known? Whant is going on here?

When I try to use the same mail for a new registration it just says, name used, but not, that the mail is used. Sometimes both is used.

When you enter a wrong name or password, the forgot password functionality is not available as long as you first click into the nick- or pw-field and enter or delete a new key.

So, whom to ask, what's going on with my account. Because, in case i might grap a key, I would like to use it.

Additionally, it is really confusing, that ppl register for the beta (it is announced as BETA) and now everyone speaks about the CLOSED Beta (i do know the difference). It is simply not clear to many many ppl that this is something different.

Thanks for the help.


Assuming you used the same mail and name on the forum: Neither does exist here.

We explained this several times already: If you pre-registered on your local language version, you merely signed up for mailed beta keys.
(Local language version: Everything else than, for you propably

Once you got your key, you have to register again on this beta server, using the key.


Well, if I got you now.

First i do register for the closed beta on my local market so I may receive a key via mail, than i do might receive a key and THAN I do have to register again on the beta-market?

Couldn't you find a more complicate way? It's ok and pretty usual, that you have different markets and servers but the information are not clear at all. Because it definetly says on the local version: REGISTER NOW FOR CLOSED BETA. Nothing like "Register here and receive your key for the closed beta". That's missleading at all and ppl sign up for a market, where they never can do what they registered for.

So, if I receive a key, i do have to register completly again. Ok.Thank you.

And please fix the missleading information. It's in your interest (law) and of course in ours (user satisfaction). The problematical use of wordings (beta and closed beta) is already enough.


Sorry for the confusion. We are aware of the currently misleading wording and will change that very soon.