Forwarded Queue finish times & queue free slots in Overview page


You have a very nice overview page where someone can check storage, stocks, provisions & queues for all the controlling villages. You go there by selecting Overview-->Villages with Production as predefined filter).

If it is possible, i would like to have the queue finishing time for building & recruiting queues as well as the number of free slots for each queue somewhere in that page. The overview page will become even more useful that way, i could check immediately which village needs my action for filling up the queues.


In addition, it would be ideal if, in case of free queue slots, there was a link for each queue that opens the headquarters or barracks screen of the related village...


Hello gmavrack. Thank you for your suggestion. I will pass this request to our Game designers. I agree this would greatly improve productivity on big accounts, also thank you for your compliments on our overview window.