

Is it the intention of the designers that the quests not start over when conquered or just an oversight? If you have to restart then the quests that new players have giving them free troops will put you at a disadvantage since they don't restart as you have to pay for all your troops with resources this may not seem like much and in truth is not a game changing just creating more of an uphill battle for those forced to restart. I do however see possible abuse would be if they person restarted carry 4 building queue items and then gets 3 more from the quest which might tip the favor in their hand. Though does it effect the game play much more than those who buy the queue boosts? I just wanted to pose some of these questions for discussion the only one i would like to see an answer on from staff is if the quest are intended to not restart or that is simply not something that has a high priority but they do plan to restart them in the future.


I have same!!
I did restart and have to build all my troops myself i go so much slower! ;( Please do something about this... ( DISADVANTAGE for sure)

Nick -Fastfire44