Forwarded Prevent aggression loop


Hello everyone,

Today I'm going to suggest something that would make the game more "fair play".
  • Detailed description of the idea: The idea is simple, you may have noticed when you start the adventure, our village is under protection of the novice that prevents us from being attacked for some time. When the protection time is over, we are vulnerable and we can be attacked. The problem is that if a player has the misfortune to occur in normal slowly (time restricted game) and it is located next to the village more evolved, those will be tried to rob the chain and the player will be the target of these attacks can not risposter forever and will soon run out of resources (which can cause a stoppage of play because he is tired). What I propose to overcome this is to establish a system of protection that would establish when a player is looting (a one-day protection) and thus limit the subsequent looting of the same no one. Here's the whole idea, of course time protection is questionable and the number of attack before activating the protection too.
  • Reasoning for the change : Currently, it is frustrating for a player with limited playing time to get loot consecutively (btw it happened to someone in my tribe). With this solution, the player would have more time to organize an attack against pillage before the next, then it could strengthen its army and walls. Plundered the player will be more motivated to continue playing if he said "ok, I'm attacked today, tomorrow if he will attack me a little surprise." Under the current system, the player will have no choice but to stop player because he no longer has the necessary resources to develop.
  • Positive aspescts : The player who is attacked will have more time to form an army and establish against attack against the next pillage. The game will have a harder edge "fair play" to avoid unfair looting against the same player. New players will be more motivated to continue.
  • Negative aspects : Players who raid regularly generate fewer resources / day, so they will fall back more on barbarian villages.
  • What will this mean in terms of buildings and units balancing : Recovery time for the preparation and an extra force.

Do not hesitate to make a "like" if you think it is a good idea, if you think it's a bad idea, write a message explaining why following this topic. Thank you in advance.

PS: Thank you all for reading my suggestion, please excuse me if you do not understand all the sentences. I am French and I have used google translation to help me write it.


Actually, if someone has no time to play, he can't expect, that everyone will not attack him. You can't punish other players for that. If someone would like to extend the beginner protection, he can do it. There is an item, which extends the protection. And you can research some technologies in your warehouse. They prevent an amount of resources beeing looted. ;)