Rejected Premium features for TW2 suggestions/discussion


I love BGs and I love TW2. I played it only two weeks but I think it is a great game and InnoGames can cut it to a diamond.
Well there where a discussion about p2w elements in this game. If there are maybe the devs could take them out and offer a premium account.
I want that InnoGames make a lot of money with TW2. Also I hope they will use the money to make new BGs (Sci-Fi) and also take the money to
improve TW2 (new units new buildings).
The premium account make the game more handier.
In the two weeks I had few ideas:

Do you have more idea for premium account?
Do you think a premium account is good thing?
Would you order premium features?

ps. sorry for my English


I don't think a premium account is a good thing. I think the way the crown features are balanced right now is actually very, very good, and will bring Innogames far more money and have far less impact than most people seem to think.

Does it suck if one player has more points than you because they've bought them? Yeah. But they can't buy troops; you can still catapult them. The imbalance between those who pay, and those who don't, is not nearly as bad as it looks at first glance.

Would I prefer to have a completely free game? Absolutely. But that's not realistic. Would I prefer to have a game with just a premium account? Yes. But that's not realistic either; statistically it doesn't bring in nearly as much money.

What is in the game right now is the best way forward overall. It is, IMO, as close to a middle ground as there is, between our wants for a perfectly fair and balanced game as players, and Inno's wants for a profitable game.

Also, just a separate point, the reports list already tells you whether you had a full haul or not. That's what that icon with the boxes is for. Three boxes means you got a full haul, one box means you did not.


I think "premium account" is a very good idea, becouse i have some proplems to see all the important informations on this design settings. I know grapics are nice, but in the heathquarter or in the barracks the design thake too much space. and there are other things too.
I don´t want a premium account like in TW1 i want the premium accisttent or the premium account wich is unlocket at min. villages...

i need better statistics and i need shortcuts. Also is would be very nice if you can color provinces.
as example:
your provinces with church in green, your provinces without a church yellow and prvinces of tribe members blue, and provinces of enemy´s red.

also it would be very cool if you can buy you theme-skins, like a fantasy skin for you villages or a diable skin for the map....


Topic moved to Ideas and suggestions.
I can tell you, that a premium account is the wrong way. Innogames have to compare with the whole game industry, unfortunatelly is a normal premium account outdated.