Forwarded overview custom filter


Can you add a custom filter option to the overview menu? Also, if you could allow for choosing a filter as the default when clicking the action bar that would be very helpful too.


I think what he means is he wants the ability to filter villages say by Kingdom or provence. Then perhaps the ability to sort like we had a script for in TW1 say filter to all villages with Barbarian in the name. Though i think this would be nice its hardly an essential update at this point.


Agreed, nice but there are more important things to sort right now. I filter mine in one world by having all villas in a province begin with the same letter. Its not really a filter but does sort it easily for me to see.


As a first step i'd be looking for the village overview screen to be persistent, in that whatever changes i make (groups, sorting, etc...) come back up the next i select village overview. In addition to that, I'd like to be able to save views of the village overview screen say one view for offensive, defensive, coins, etc...