Rejected Offensive and Defensive unit count rankings


On the player ranking screen, it would be cool to have rankings based on troop count (based on number of provisions) for offense and defensive troops. Each individual player could determine if their name was visible next to their rank. You could have it visible to nobody, the whole world, or only members of your tribe. It would be nice to get an idea of how you are stacking up to others.

This could also help tribes get a better gauge on individual player growth. Points aren't always the best measure of how valuable a player is.


If this should be implented, default should be on invisible name I think, as players otherwise could miss this and give valuable information to enemies without knowing it. Perhaps it would be better to make this a tribe function, rather than to be on the global ranking screen.


I would definitely make it default to 'anonymous'. But I would still be nice to know where you stood in the world rankings - even if you couldn't tell who it was you were ahead or behind.


Hi Coolmite,

Thank you for your suggestions. Gathering Information through your spies is a vital and important part of the game. Displaying your strength, while it may be a good tactic to scare off other players, or to make yourself a target, conflicts with the role of the spies in my eyes. Open information will have a huge impact on the political aspect of the game, and I am not sure if this is necessarily a good change. We will discuss this internally. Does anyone else have any thoughts about this? Please post below.


I agree with "the Joker" above. This would eliminate the role of a spy, but I also agree with coolmite that the points aren't allways a good indicator of how valuable the player is. I see two possible solutions here:
1) forget about it, this will only make spy almost useless
2) enable this options only for tribe leaders. Let me explain why:

Tribe leaders goal is to have the most valuable players as possible, and points aren't always a good indicator of that, that's why tribe leaders should also have some other info about a player, like number of provisions. Why not an entire tribe? B'cos some rival tribe could send a player to other tribe, which would then report this info back, and they would have some advantage. And b'cos this is a war-oriented game, maybe tribe leaders should have an insight of all tribe members HQ, Barracks and Wall level.


CJ, I don't think I communicated my thoughts well enough. It shouldn't impact spies at all. Currently, on the player ranking screen, you can rank players by 'points', 'defeat units', and 'awards'. I would add two more groups - 'offensive units' and 'defensive units'. By default, you would only see the names listed for the members of your tribe. Everybody else would show the troop count but instead of the player name it would have 'anonymous'. Each player could change it so they were visible to the entire world, to just their tribe, or to nobody. Most players would leave the default so just their tribe could see them. I tried to paste a picture of what I was thinking, but I'm limited to 2000 bytes and I couldn't get it that small. So there is a link instead. This is what I might see as a member of the WCS tribe. (numbers are fictional).

edit: In the screen shot, I forgot to anonymize the pictures, they should be the default image too.


Thank you for your screenshot example coolmite. I think I do understand your concept, I just feel that one could size up your opponents better if this was in global ranking, which steals the spies job. The idea however does work will in the tribe ranking. As the tribe leader can assess his or her "entire" army strength. I will pass this on. Thank you.


I guess I'm just not seeing how this will impact the spies job. You would have no idea which players had that many troops - since anybody not in your alliance would be anonymous, you wouldn't even be able to tell what alliance or what part of the world for any particular row in the grid. If I want to know the values for a particular village - I would still have to send a spy to that village. All it does is give you a sense of how you stack up in the rest of the world. Right now, I have absolutely zero idea if the amount of troops I have is good, bad, or average for this particular world. It is also just fun to try to be the best in that category.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to respond. It is just a thought.


I played game in which such ranks were implemented. Of course you can guess who is top1 (because it is strictly connected to defeated units rank), but mostly it was surprising. You don't know for sure before you start a war. But you know how much you lose to top players.

And yes some spies job is stolen. For example, we have 2 strong tribes, players from tribe X know that they have first, third, fifth, sixth and eighth places in top10. So they also know that other places in top10 belongs to the enemy tribe. But I don't think such worlds (with only two strong tribes) are possible here, in TW2.

And about leaders assessing, there will be coop system and if it is well-organized it will be great tool for tribe plan strategy.