
New Member
I killed all the army in a village in a province in which I have a church- I got nobles out and ran them and got loyalty down to exactly zero- so last night I sent a final noble run to take village with thousands of troops- this morning no report- no troops nothing- I could not understand it and thought I must have imagined it but troops had gone poof- noble had gone pouf hundreds of hours spent building troops to have them vanish.

I then sent another large noble run at village this morning and also some small clearance runs to arrive before noble got there just to be sure to clear any troops that had been built overnight. Yes I got reports from the two clearance runs - noble run disappeared into thin air along with the troops again. Late this afternoon after refreshing account thought I would try again one last time since I have been hitting this village for two days and had killed all troops in there and would like some village to show for the thousands of dead troops.

Guess what the two small clearance runs again gave reports but the noble run disappeared again into thin air- I am sending a very large 5k strong attack force with noble again to empty village as we speak- will be very unhappy if 5k troops disappear without even a report on an empty village that I got down to zero loyalty. The fighting part just does not seem to work tremendously well. How can this happen? Of course in the 24 hours since I sent last nights run the loyalty will have gone up again so I expect the noble run if it does give a report will fail to take village- this makes a nonsense of the game. Because now I might have to do two noble runs to take city- this is an impregnable city- it has already swallowed thousand and thousands of offensive troops. Or will this latest run disappear again.

I complained to support and two noble runs suddenly started to return after report was filed although last night's run still gone altogether. The strange thing is the troops are going to take over 10hrs 35 to return as if they had been travelling further than the actual city. It only takes 5 hours to get there but they went missing on longer journey.


Your troops didn't disappear. If you conquer a village the noble dies and the troops that survived that conquering attack are stationed in the village as support.


Slayan, thats not what's happened here. he didn't conquer the villa from what i gather. This sounds like it is a bug, please check the bug forum to see if anyone else has posted it, if they have add yours with relevant screen shots and info to the thread, if they haven't please open up an new thread.

NB, why on earth are you sending so many troops as escort to an empty villa? If its a barb an escort of 100 lc is more than ample, even if there are walls. If it is a player owned you may want to send more but if you are spying it regular you shouldn't need to.


New Member
I am sending so many cos his defence kills me- 20 heavy cav kill thousands see below- I do send clearances without noble before- but I getting terrible ratios

Well screenshot did not work it should have showed 20heavy cav in defences - thats all - killing 1134 axes +957 light cav + 635 mounted archers + 117 berserkers + 1 nobleman
So I have been sending clearances and massive amounts of troops- I am getting 37% - he is getting 195% but even so this is ridiculous odds- as I said I have lost thousands and thousands of troops on it- and btw yes because of disappearances yesterday of big attacks the loyalty had crept back up and the attack only dropped it down again to 2- so running again- I grant you that there is a bonus to smaller players but this is extreme case if you ask me. That village should have been mine over 30 hours ago and still running huge attacks at it.
It is a definite mystery how this is supposed to work.

Slayan I never conquered the village the troops just disappeared - 5thousand attack troops disappeared- these never returned - no report about what happened to them - nothing