No Earn Your Crowns button


New Member
I don't know if its only me but i don't have the "Earn your Crowns" button so i can fill out survey and earn free crowns ;/ In my opinion is bug because my other friends have this button but i don't.


I don't have it either and i know i used to. I find it highly unlikely that it is a bug so i suggest what i see is a more likely option. Perhaps earn your crowns is not available on beta any more as i still have it on the EN server. Hence why i say i doubt its a bug because for it to suddenly become bugged without a game update would not make any sense,


Currently there is some difficulties with Fyber, who provides us with these option. It seems they are only randomly showing.
I can see the option on US servers, but i do not have it on EN servers.

We are trying to resolve it.