Make life easier for big players


Hello folks,
i am looking for big player (at least 50 villages). Also it would be great if you play on different platforms (browser, android, ios).

After we made stuff for the new players, we want to help the big players.

So i have the following questions:

What costs you the most time ingame?
What acc managment is boring (waste of time)
Do you have ideas to make your ingame life more comfortable (small improvments)

Hope to get some topics to talk with you.



Hello, I have at least 50 villages so I get the honor of being able to respond first. I can only give my opinions for the browser unfortunately.

I spend the most time switching between villages because I have to go to the village on the map to make it active and lose where I was looking, or I have to use the arrow keys and I may have to cycle through half my villages.

The boring part of account management is making sure all my villages have queues going with enough time to last until I log on again.

Ideas to make things more comfortable:
First, the 3 top ideas from the poll that was created on Feb. 1
(Minor Ideas)
Hotkey to open Hall of Orders without having to enter the village. Similar to every other building of importance.
When you hover over a unit queue in the overview window, it says how much time is left in that queue.
(Major Idea)
This is mainly to help with queues for every village. Since we can assign group icons to villages, what if we could make villages with the same group icon all queue the same troops with 1 interface. I realize this is a big improvement, but it would help us a lot.


so some ideas for you.
Mass recruitment that you can base off of your village tags like in TW1. so i can make a catalog of all my offensive villages that are for a certain village build then mass recruit all the troops needed for that build. this feature would save alot of time as the thing that takes the most time for me is making troops in all my villages and building up the village.

making a similar feature for making buildings would be nice although not required. but a possibility of having these features unlock at 30-50 villages maybe more would be nice. dont want to make early and mid game to easy for people.

Some other features might include the ability to attack from only the set of villages you want to attack from. only mint coins from the set of villages you wish to mint coins from. if i think of more ill post about it


Yes this switching to every village is a bit of micro management we need an overview that you can do all that like the one e could pay for to use in TW. and I have 50 villages three fold now. There are some villages I can't eve get to to build every day and they get over looked. Then i have to chose do i cycle through them all doing scouts and then troops or do i go one by one and switch to the HQ, Barracks, Academy, and tavern doing all 4 at once then switching on either way its a pain.


Aven;n29268 said:
Ideas to make things more comfortable:
First, the 3 top ideas from the poll that was created on Feb. 1
(Minor Ideas)
Hotkey to open Hall of Orders without having to enter the village. Similar to every other building of importance.
When you hover over a unit queue in the overview window, it says how much time is left in that queue.
(Major Ideas)

You'll receive the mail with that ideas as the week processes.


The micro-management is really a flaw, but the biggest one is the impossibility to automatically distribute your ressources over a set of villages, a province, or all of your villages (as we don't have the external repartition system we had in TW1). It is OK to manage this one by one with 10 or 15 villages, but above that, this is really an incredibly time consuming task... trivial for nothing.

Then there are too many clicks to do to perform any task.

Globally, as I will be in a short time quitting TW2, if graphics are sure a lot better than in TW1, this game on my opinion suffers of the same flaws than TW1, requiring to be connected practically 7/24. My hope with the concept of provinces was that at last defense would be better. Unfortunately not the case, and by far.

So TW2 again totally privileges attackants, instead of forcing the attackant to put real efforts to gain one village, and even more when a larger player, or set of players, attack a smaller one. There should be there a kind of ratio allowing a smaller to defend against a bigger.

Well, I wish the best to all that like it this way, but I'm out, as I find it still too unbalanced for my taste :0)))


i know this is a bit off subject but your argument for defending is flawed. i was attacked by 6 players at the same time and was able to defend with ease and only lost villages because my villages in that province were sabotaged to hell. a total of players with points up to 2-3 mil and i successfully defended. you may want to realize it may be the players skill and not the game in question here. oh did i mention that 75% of my villages if not more are offensive. and yet i defended fine.

also we here at ZAR use a strategy of overwhelming a target. this is easily countered if you have a good and effective tribe.

okay side comment about divas is over. i agree with the first thing they said about balancing resources


allready great ideas.

about automatical stuff, we will not going in this direction. We want that the player plays the game and not the game is doing something for you automatical. But we see, that for playing the game, we need to make things easier. For example the overview is on our list and we want to add things there. Also some functions, so you need less clicks and so on.

So go on, every idea from helps.


Well Kmork... Thanks for your answer... but, if I may insist: The aim of this game is to gain territory, meaning managing the defense and attack sides. This is what makes it fun.

Now, two points:

1 - Ressources:
When I quit TW1 in my last world, I has more than 2'000 villages. Without the help of the external script to manage ressources, I would have quit TW1 long before I did :0). The ressources management is simply a nightmare, and automating it does not favor any player, it just takes more than 80% of the time you allocate to the game even with a bit more than 70 villages. Just think about the equivalent with 500, or a 1'000 villages... This is a purely trivial task, which has NO influence on the game itself, it just takes a lot of time for nothing. It only affects you own villages (I do not speak about sending ressources to other players, which should remain manual as is today of course).

I find it good that you do not allow scripts in TW2, and support that. But you could add in the game a feature to handle this specific totally trivial task.

2 - Defense:
Many people quit playing, because they cannot defend themselves, and get disgusted by that. Same as in TW1. So, I believe you will end up in TW2 like in TW1, with a core of "fanatic TW2 players", whereas the curve of renewal of the audience will slowly go down. If this is really your intention, OK, it is your game. Just, as a retired company manager, I'm not sure to understand your aim :0)


Divas the resources bit i can agree apon kinda. but the defenses in this game is fine as long as they nerf sabotage a bit. in your case you just got overwhelmed by the enemy and had no support from your tribe. honestly thats what Aven and noobhunter do. they overwhelm. even with the same or less points you can overwhelm your target with massive amount of fakes. and good strategy. its hard to defend when you dont know where the nukes are going to land. but you can always guess appropriately. and with tribe help you can easily take on an opponent. seriously look at me i had my tribe defend me and then i had incomings from highmark, xanath, you , daily, hoorus. raf nna, and several others while being mass sabotaged and i still held against the attacks and only lost about 9 villages which have all been regained except a few. the problem you are having is your tribe isnt coming to your aid. valerius hasnt quit entirely and has plenty of defenses yet all of his D is currently in his own villages and not in yours. why? have you not messaged him asking for support. have you tried to get other tribemates to help. i mean even i do my best to get my tribe mates defenses when they ask. the point i am making is this is tribal wars not player wars. you shouldnt be alone fighting in this game. if you are you die.

my point about mass recruitment still holds. it should be a thing to save time. it isnt automatic it i just a way to build troops in all the villages you wish to build said troop in. you can queue up the troops you want built so you can quickly go to wasting time farming or attacking the enemy and not waste hours clicking between villages trying to recruit troops. troops production should be i wake up and spend a max of 10 minutes building the troops i want in each village set i have then maybe resources balance, mint coins then i go and do faring or my planned attacks.


Please do not discuss about any ingame stuff in this thread. Thanks.


sorry about that i just didn't want you making a change based on a suggestion of a player that doesn't understand why he is in the situation he is in. if you make changes he wants then it would unbalance something that is decently balanced already.


Secretiare: I understand perfectly why I am in this position, and was not under any circumstance talking about my personal in game situation, but answering this tread. And, no, the gane is definitely NOT balanced, reason why I expressed here given concerns. You may well have other advices, that's your good right. But being since 1998 kind of a "semi-professional beta tester", I believe that my experience and opinions might be of use for those who rule this game. That's all, and when I entered the beta, I accepted to voice my opinions, even it they ere not those of others :0)


divas i agreed on some of your points. my reasoning for defending being perfectly balanced is due to what i experienced in receiving attacks from and overall larger force. I was able to hold up easily against a larger force although over time i was starting to lose out my self over all i was holding out well. which a smaller player can do. a smaller player can and should be able to hold out long enough to get support from his tribe if the tribe is good and the player is decent. the big problem now, which has been addressed alot, is sabotage is unbalanced completely. but that has been addressed and hopefully fixed. with an offensive player vs defensive player i can tell you now the offensive player is going to have a hard time cracking down that defensive player.

the only time im seeing a smaller player or any player for that matter having a hard time is when they never take the time to learn how to play the game. they dont think ahead and ask how do i defend against mass attacks. or how do i effectively mass attack. so maybe you are desiring a tutorial for a mid game or late game ways to attack or defend? but then again if you join a tribe they can help you with such things. the only thing i see that has unbalanced defending is sabotaging. and that is it. moral helps the smaller player in a tribe defend against a larger player but again a tribes team work determines how a small player survives.


Do you guys have further opinions to this topic? It is very important for our developers to know, what you guys need!


We want that the player plays the game and not the game is doing something for you automatical.

In my mind, the players plays the game when they fight in epics battles, when they manage their tribes, and all the things that can animate a world and make it living and interesting. Divas and the others said everything. But, the daily management have to be easier and maybe need to have a part of automatical stuff. We have currently automatical stuff, what the Presets are ? The challenge is to have more time to fight, to talk, and for all others important and fun things we can do, and less time to click to change the active village every 10 seconds and click and click again... with a small loading time of three or four seconds each time. :p

In the French community, we have some feedbacks (a part of them are also in the last comments) :

1. Sitting : It's not a problem only for the big accounts but they are affected. A lot of players have winter holidays in France like in each country, I guess. When you are at 2000 meters in the Alps, it's difficult to find an Internet connection. :D Or you don't have the time (especially if you have a big account). And you don't want to restart the game for one or two weeks of holidays. Without the winter holidays context, everybody can have the need to make a break, for his job or personal reasons. It's not good to have that feeling to be trapped. This is maybe the first priority. The first thing that discourages big players as small players.

A cooperation system is expected. I don't know if it will resolve the problem, but it's important to insist on the expectation of the players about this feature.

2. Minimap : Maybe that is not the subject. But, I cannot talk about improvements without all there essential things. It's not a problem only for the big accounts but they are affected too... Everyone lose time because we don't have a clickable minimap to move quickly. You cannot play to the game if you don't have a good vision too. How a tribe and a player can organize themselves without a global view ? When you have a big account with distant villages, you spend a lot of time dragging the map (especially when the map freeze :eek:).


A minimap (in a pop-in screen on all the width) with small colors tiles to have a better view and navigation (when you drag the minimap, the map follows behind the pop-in).

3. Internal clock : The time in the game is not the server time but the time of our own machine. We have players in the whole world. 6 hours separate our Canadian frenchspeakers friends to us, for example. And even in the same time zone, the time of each machine is not precisely the same. You can have more or less few seconds or minutes. It's horrible to coordinate operations when you don't have the same clock. And more you have villages, and bigger are military operations between players and more this inaccuracy is impacting. We spend to much time with this kind of details. We have to install the same clock, or asking everyone about that, etc. Not easily at all.

4. Automatization : As I said in introduction, Presets are automatical stuff... When you have 2 or 3 villages, that can be a pleasure to go in each village. But, when you have a lot of villages, how you do ? The morning, before going to work or school... You have to open Academy and, after that, HQ, Barrack and Tavern for each village. If you build your buildings and recruit your units and your spies, maybe 18s by village with hotkeys. If you have 100 villages, you spend 30 minutes just for these basic actions. And, you have to farm barbarian villages... And, you don't have the time to talk to your tribe or do anything else. The 1st rank player on the Alnwick french world, opened 6 months ago, have 234 villages. I don't know how many months or years a world is opened on TW2 ? But it's a problem. It's difficult now so how they will do in the future ?

Some features can be necessary for the big accounts :

- Mass recruitment for units : we can create models and the mass recruitment system take the orders. Or just a simple version : a table and each line is a village and you can recruit your units in each line quickly and see all the units are recruiting or already recruited for each village. That could be include a tab for the spies because is the same problem. You have different levels of automatizations.

- Construction plans : same thing for buildings.

- System of groups : an automatical system of groups could be awesome. It's just more simple... You give some conditions and the system can attribute the village to a group. It's not an important action but it's boring to actualize all his groups. So, it's just to have an usefull function, not just a static flag.

- Resources balancer : a system to use markets and automatically distribute resources between nearby villages, villages in the same group or all the villages, etc.

5. Overviews & Cie :

A) 'Active village' button in the 'Villages' overview :
Overviews > Villages

Use arrows is too long and use the map requires a search for the distant villages.
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B) Units counters :

i) Fixed headbar :
Overviews > Units

You can fix this bar. When we scroll down, this bar disappear :

We don't see what unit is for each column. And this is the same thing for the 'Villages' overview.

ii) Filters in the Units overview :
Overviews > Units

New filters :
All Units Inside : (corresponding to "Own")
Own Units : (corresponding to "All")
Allied Support : (new: all the units from others players in your village)
All Units Outside : (new: "In Transit" + "Own Support")
In Transit : (corresponding to "In Transit")
Own Support : (corresponding to "Outwards")
All Units Recruited : (new: "All Units Outside" + "Own Units")
With a better visible block and smaller lines. If it's possible, we could do something to scroll blocks by blocks (villages by villages) to go down more quickly.

iii) Filters in the units bar of the village :

Quick filters to choose what information we want to see.

iv) Units screen :

We don't have the total amount of troops in defense. We need a first (another) line more clear with all the units in the village, in bold, etc...

v) All Units Recruited for each unit in the Barrack :

For the moment, in the Barrack, when we recruit units, we just see the amount of own units inside the village. It could be better to have ' Own Units inside the village ( All Units Recruited ) ' for each one.

vi) Map tooltips :
When the mouse hovers the villages, we have more informations. Not necessary to do another click. :p

Before :
> others villages:

> own villages:

After (the idea) :
> others villages:

> own villages:

(All Units Inside)

6. Hotkeys : When you have a lot of commands on the map, you can to disappear the commands. But if you want an overview with dynamic tags, it could be nice to switch quickly. Two complementary actions (appear and disappear), I think.

- Hotkey to appear/disappear outgoing commands on the map.
- Hotkey to appear/disappear incoming commands on the map (new feature).


In my mind, the players plays the game when they fight in epics battles, when they manage their tribes, and all the things that can animate a world and make it living and interesting. Divas and the others said everything. But, the daily management have to be easier and maybe need to have a part of automatical stuff. We have currently automatical stuff, what the Presets are ? The challenge is to have more time to fight, to talk, and for all others important and fun things we can do, and less time to click to change the active village every 10 seconds and click and click again... with a small loading time of three or four seconds each time. :p

In the French community, we have some feedbacks (a part of them are also in the last comments) :

1. Sitting : It's not a problem only for the big accounts but they are affected. A lot of players have winter holidays in France like in each country, I guess. When you are at 2000 meters in the Alps, it's difficult to find an Internet connection. :D Or you don't have the time (especially if you have a big account). And you don't want to restart the game for one or two weeks of holidays. Without the winter holidays context, everybody can have the need to make a break, for his job or personal reasons. It's not good to have that feeling to be trapped. This is maybe the first priority. The first thing that discourages big players as small players.

A cooperation system is expected. I don't know if it will resolve the problem, but it's important to insist on the expectation of the players about this feature.

2. Minimap : Maybe that is not the subject. But, I cannot talk about improvements without all there essential things. It's not a problem only for the big accounts but they are affected too... Everyone lose time because we don't have a clickable minimap to move quickly. You cannot play to the game if you don't have a good vision too. How a tribe and a player can organize themselves without a global view ? When you have a big account with distant villages, you spend a lot of time dragging the map (especially when the map freeze :eek:).


A minimap (in a pop-in screen on all the width) with small colors tiles to have a better view and navigation (when you drag the minimap, the map follows behind the pop-in).

3. Internal clock : The time in the game is not the server time but the time of our own machine. We have players in the whole world. 6 hours separate our Canadian frenchspeakers friends to us, for example. And even in the same time zone, the time of each machine is not precisely the same. You can have more or less few seconds or minutes. It's horrible to coordinate operations when you don't have the same clock. And more you have villages, and bigger are military operations between players and more this inaccuracy is impacting. We spend to much time with this kind of details. We have to install the same clock, or asking everyone about that, etc. Not easily at all.

4. Automatization : As I said in introduction, Presets are automatical stuff... When you have 2 or 3 villages, that can be a pleasure to go in each village. But, when you have a lot of villages, how you do ? The morning, before going to work or school... You have to open Academy and, after that, HQ, Barrack and Tavern for each village. If you build your buildings and recruit your units and your spies, maybe 18s by village with hotkeys. If you have 100 villages, you spend 30 minutes just for these basic actions. And, you have to farm barbarian villages... And, you don't have the time to talk to your tribe or do anything else. The 1st rank player on the Alnwick french world, opened 6 months ago, have 234 villages. I don't know how many months or years a world is opened on TW2 ? But it's a problem. It's difficult now so how they will do in the future ?

Some features can be necessary for the big accounts :

- Mass recruitment for units : we can create models and the mass recruitment system take the orders. Or just a simple version : a table and each line is a village and you can recruit your units in each line quickly and see all the units are recruiting or already recruited for each village. That could be include a tab for the spies because is the same problem. You have different levels of automatizations.

- Construction plans : same thing for buildings.

- System of groups : an automatical system of groups could be awesome. It's just more simple... You give some conditions and the system can attribute the village to a group. It's not an important action but it's boring to actualize all his groups. So, it's just to have an usefull function, not just a static flag.

- Resources balancer : a system to use markets and automatically distribute resources between nearby villages, villages in the same group or all the villages, etc.

5. Overviews & Cie :

A) 'Active village' button in the 'Villages' overview :
Overviews > Villages

Use arrows is too long and use the map requires a search for the distant villages.
As for the Village Overview, I totally agree but with one change. It should be a drop down list with all the villages like this.


I totally agree with all these suggestions.
In addition:
  • Changing the mass recruitment. No more based on presets but on village's group;
  • Giving the ability to export all incoming commands in a BB-Code text;
  • Improve the "Jump to village" function, showing more clearly the village which you are pointing, maybe with a coloured outline, or showing the "flower" menu;
  • Implementation of an automatic resource redistribution system between your own villages;
  • Showing "Set active village" button in each view where our villages are mentioned (reports, info etc.)
  • Showing a drop down list of your own villages, also showing the village group icons and the "Jump to" and "Set active village" buttons.


@xaris-18- :

Ya, we have another suggestion about a list. :)

We have two ideas on this subject :

1. The first is to add an 'active village' button in overviews as I said.


An example

Without the feature :

With the feature :

You are in the overview and you see your village n°5 has a lot of resources but no building in construction queue. You can active the village in one click and go to the HQ with the hotkey. Very very usefull. For the moment, when you see that, you have to search the village on the map, and click and click, etc... :/

It could be better if we had a way to reduce the window of the overwiew (to conserve the filters and the scroll, etc.). Just with a button "reduce" to the left of the cross to close... And after that, you see the information, you active the village, you reduce the overview and do what you have to do, and you can reopen the overview to continue exactly where you were (in the same tab of the overview, with the same filters, at the same place).

When you reduce the window, an icon appears at the right of the chat to reopen the window :

This could be precious in others cases. For example, you are writing a message and you don't remember the name of a player. You can reduce the window to search the information you needed and reopen the message as it was when you reduced the window. That can give some flexibility.

2. The second is to add a 'list of villages' button to the left of the arrows.


And, when you click on it, you have a screen with all the villages :


And, when you click on a village, the village becomes the active village and you jump to the village on the map.
The screen is static as 'Logout', and you have to click to the button to close it.

1+. But, yes, maybe we can have another list into the overviews to go quickly on the good line. It could be awesome.


@Kheops :
Improve the "Jump to village" function, showing more clearly the village which you are pointing, maybe with a coloured outline, or showing the "flower" menu;
Yeah !!