How to move units from a city to an other ?


Hello everybody :)

I must be stupid but i don't find how to send some of my troups from one of my city to an other one. Is there someone who can help me ?


I'm not sure what you mean by send them from one city to another.

If you mean attack or support, you just click the destination village, enter an amount and click attack or support.

If you mean station those troops in the other village, ie,. give them to the other village, then that isn't possible. Troops made in one village are always that villages troops regardless of what village they are currently supporting.


Nauzhror;n5333 said:
If you mean station those troops in the other village, ie,. give them to the other village, then that isn't possible. Troops made in one village are always that villages troops regardless of what village they are currently supporting.
Thank you for your answer !
Troops made in a village are attached at this village, that's seems a little strange (and different of what exist in the others games)...