Game login error

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This is not a browser related issue at all but there is no other forum :D

When trying to login to the game, with a wrong username/password connection there is an according error message. However when I try to login with a username like **** (the account doesn't exist, I don't have a beta key^^), there is no error message but the WebSocket response from from the backend is

5:::{"name":"msg","args":[{"id":2,"type":"Exception/ApiErrorException","headers":{"traveltimes":[["node_deliver",1403633860957]]},"data":{"message":"Position of wildcard in value for nickname '%%%%%%%%' must be at least at position 4","trace":"#0 /www/twx/backend/vendor/portal/portal-api-library-php/src/Ig/Portal/PortalApiLibrary/Service/PlayersServiceImpl.php(72): Ig\\Portal\\PortalApiLibrary\\Client\\ApiClientImpl->request('GET', '/games/340/play...', Array)\n#1 /www/twx/backend/vendor/portal/portal-api-library-php/src/Ig/Portal/PortalApiLibrary/Service/PlayersServiceImpl.php(167): Ig\\Portal\\PortalApiLibrary\\Service\\PlayersServiceImpl->getByField('nicknames', Array, true, 0, 1)\n#2 /www/twx/backend/source/Ig/Twx/Game/System/Authentication/Player/PlayerLogic.php(88): Ig\\Portal\\PortalApiLibrary\\Service\\PlayersServiceImpl->getByNicknames(Array, true, 0, 1)\n#3 /www/twx/backend/source/Ig/Twx/Game/System/Authentication/Player/PlayerLogic.php(120): Ig\\Twx\\Game\\System\\Authentication\\Player\\PlayerLogic->loadPlayerByName('****')\n#4 /www/twx/backend/source/Ig/Twx/Game/System/Authentication/AuthenticationController.php(183): Ig\\Twx\\Game\\System\\Authentication\\Player\\PlayerLogic->authenticate('****', '1234', Object(Ig\\Twx\\System\\Util\\IpAddress\\Ipv4Address), 'desktop', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Wi...', '', false)\n#5 [internal function]: Ig\\Twx\\Game\\System\\Authentication\\AuthenticationController->login(Object(Ig\\Twx\\System\\Messaging\\Message))\n#6 /www/twx/backend/source/Ig/Twx/System/Routing/Dispatcher.php(62): call_user_func(Array, Object(Ig\\Twx\\System\\Messaging\\Message))\n#7 /www/twx/backend/source/Ig/Twx/System/Worker.php(165): Ig\\Twx\\System\\Routing\\Dispatcher->route(Object(Ig\\Twx\\System\\Messaging\\Message))\n#8 /www/twx/backend/source/Ig/Twx/System/Worker.php(99): Ig\\Twx\\System\\Worker->work()\n#9 /www/twx/backend/source/Ig/Twx/System/Worker.php(89): Ig\\Twx\\System\\Worker->spawnChild()\n#10 /www/twx/backend/scripts/worker.php(12): Ig\\Twx\\System\\Worker->run()\n#11 {main}"}}]}

which suggests that the backend treats the * symbol as a wildcard. That could lead to problems with those usernames containing an asterisk and also is either a misconfiguation (wildcard enabled for login seams not reasonable) or a security flaw (wildcard not escaped; other symbols seem to be escaped:, that looks crappy btw with the textbox value overflowing the textbox)


Oh and the content of code tags doesn't seem to break, which breaks the layout^^


I think this has been resolved, at least I cannot reproduce it. Can you please check on your end?


The code tags are fixed, but the problem with the asterisks in user names is still there, at least if the user does not exist, i can't test it right now with an existing user name that contains asterisks in the first three characters. When I enter the username '****' and the password 'password' and click on login, no error message is shown, but in the webdeveloper console it looks like this:
This should be reproducable, I tested it in chrome 35 and firefox 27 with the exactly same results and the type of the error suggests that it is definitely not a browser issue.
When I try a username that has an asterisk not in the first three characters but somewhere else, I get the expected error message that the username/password combination is wrong, even if the password is correct and the username has just one character replaced with an asterisk. So the issue is not that the database is treating the asterisk as a wildcard, but rather that a script that processes the input thinks the asterisk to be a wildcard an raises the exception.


The login textbox overflowing is also still there, a fixed width of 150px for the user and password input would fix the problem
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