Game Balancing Update: September 2014 Feedback


Hi :)
You think this seriously ? :D
Longer time for recruit LC... ? Ok it can be good but do something with this that 3000 LC died, when attack at village with 900 def. units :p
But smaller Carrying capacity ? ok.... I'm in phase when I hardly ever attack with 30-40 on barbarian v....but in the start of game it is important .. who is active is better because can efective farming !...with this I will have to attack with more units -__-.
Axe fighter...
it is good change but I don't think that somebody will recruit more this units :p Spearman are more effective and you have also some defence..if something :)
Heavy Cavalry
160 carrying capacity ? It's heavy unit...where this unit gives these resources ? It will be massive dying horses !
And where is some upgrade about Vasco's something (I don't know name of this artefact :D )


People that loved HC before should really love them now. There is a delicate balancing act between provisions, resource cost, and defense. If you just try to compare based on provision opportunity cost alone, you can have 2 Spear, 2 Sword, and 2 Archers for every HC. I don't know how the attack mechanics work, so I'm just going to create a hypothetical SpordArch that is the average values of two of each non HC defenders:
UnitWoodClayIronTotal ResRecruit TimeProvisionsDef InfDef CavDef ArchTotal Def

So, for an 18% premium in resources, you get a 121% boost in speed to recruit. They both have fairly similar defense value. The HC can be sent for support much faster. But there is a pretty heavy iron drain that could be difficult to handle. The farming ability is roughly a wash. The SpordArch can carry twice as much at half the speed.


Heavy cavalry has increased defense, not capacity. This update shows that IG listens to its fans that said offensive players have big advantage over defensive ones. So this happened. I think this change is a good one.


when is the game balancing update going to take effect?


Can someone tell me why you wouldn't want all HC unless you know you are gonna be attacked by a specific troop type? It seems like a very small price premium to pay for the recruit and travel speed.


I think it is a step in the wrong direction.

I understand that TW1 was unbalanced in favour of offensive builds, however I think all that has been done with TW2 is turn the table around entirely and make Defensive builds superior to Offensive builds.

The fact that an Offensive build has to produce at minimum the 4 units (Axes, Rams, LC and MA) in a single building and really should be recruiting 5 units (+Cats) when Defensive builds need only create 2 that is a massive disadvantage.

Now you continue to compound this by increasing the base build times of the core offensive troops.. What gives? Am I the only one that feels this is way too much?