Faster way to change active village


Now there is several ways to change active village. On the map by either double-clicking the village or clicking village and then clicking "Set active village" button. But this would be difficult if your villages are spread on the map. Using arrows on the top of the screen next to active village name. But that would be problematic when you'll have more than 10 villages. Overview is probably most convenient way to activate village. But I think that this can be improved.

My suggestion
1. Create a dropdown menu with list of villages from what you can set any village as active. Small arrow-down icon can be added between village name field and village navigation buttons. Since the list can be very long, it should be possible to search village.
2. Add search field (village name filter) to Overview's Villages tab

Suggestion #1 is more like nice-to-have-feature, but #2 is a must. Scrolling list with hundreds of villages will be a nightmare.


fast way to change active village would be really nice to have. Fast link from overview and your suggestion 2 - perfect in my opinion. Now even with 10 villages i am starting to swear quietly, then going from village 5 to 10 or other way around.


I like the idea of a dropdown menu where the scroll arrows are currently. I often know what village I want to jump to and scrolling can take a while.


I agree with coolmite a drop down box or an easy to reach panel like the timeline would be best


Very very good idea, that is the one I was thinking about since the beta start. I support it!


A quick tip... ctrl-arrow key will cycle through your villages as well. I still would like a drop down. Once you have more than 4-5 cities, cycling becomes tedious. Especially if you start to spread out to various parts of the world.


Ability to look for villages by a province would be also useful (once one gets multiple villages in multiple provinces)