Forwarded Colour Blindness - Solution


Ok, so I guess I'm not the only person here, playing who is colour-blind, but I am finding it very difficult to distinguish between the greens and yellows in certain parts of the game. This includes places such as on the reports overview, and the members list. The problem for me is that I cannot tell the differences between to two icons, as they seem to be the same colour. This was not a problem on the original TW, as the colours were very basic versions of themselves, making it clear to see what is what. To fix this, can you either change the colour of the yellow, making it more obvious/bold, or make an option in the settings, where the colours are replaced by a symbol/letter. E.g On the members list, A for active, I for inactive, and G for gone. There would also be a Key at the top of the list.



The report icons may change to be more distinguished in the future. Thank you for your feedback.