Forwarded Add distance to Popup



Add distance to the village to that popup please. Nothing fancy, don't need travel time, just # of fields as calculated by pythagoras theorem. It's result in much efficient farming as you'd be able to tel much quicker which barb villages were closer when sending attacks.


It is a good idea, even if it is already possible to see the estimated time between two points. You click on the village, you click on "send army" and you look in the interface "travel time" (time varies depending on the speed of the units). By cons in what you propose, the estimated time would default so it could vary depending on the units that we send.


Kadora;n3078 said:
By cons in what you propose, the estimated time would default so it could vary depending on the units that we send.

That was why I didn't request travel time, but # of fields as calculated by pythagoras theorem.