Search results

  1. Sabotaged Church doesn't return farm capacity

    As overpowered as sabotage is when spammed this one is really bad if its not an isolated case. Had my church taken down (something next to impossible with ordinary game mechanics) and I did not regain the farm space so now I have a new village in enemy territory where I need to rebuild a...
  2. Church and Provinces

    It seems to me that the way provinces and churches interact will lead to some serious issues in mid-game. Specifically, when there is a province with stacked villages it will be next to impossible to bust through if only one nuke per attacker is at full strength. In TW1 this effect is...
  3. 1.2.2 delay in returning troops

    Troops that were sent same second are returning with a 30 sec gap between them. Is this intentional?