Villages turning to barb


Can we have a status update on the progress for fixing villages turning to barbs. I know that a bug report has been posted before about this issue so I don't want to duplicate a bug that's already been submitted. It would be nice though to know when to expect a possible fix for this broken feature though as it's quite annoying to now go almost 2 months of not having this feature fixed yet and still seeing 51 point villages after all this time...


I have been quietly asking behind the scenes as i find it very frustrating as well. No definite date for the issue being sorted but it is being worked on. As soon as i have any further news i will post it.


Perhaps you could also "quietly" suggest to the developers to reduce the time limit for villages turning from 30 days to 20 days as 30 days is a long ass time before it flips. In my opinion if a person doesn't log in to their account within 20 days then it's probably because they've given up after a week of being gone, but for the benefit of the doubt it could of been because they were on vacation so that's why I choose 20 instead.


It should only take 14 days from inactivity to turning into a barbarian village, when the system is fixed :)


On a side note... when the system is fixed... can we expect that villages that are already past the inactivity length of "14 days" be automatically flipped then? Or will these villages have to wait another 14 days because it will register all villages as "active" at first after the system is fixed?


That is still unsure - technically they should turn into barbarians when the system is set into effect, but that could also give problems.
We will need to come up with a good solution for this scenario.


Thank you for addressing all the questions that I've had. I will look forward to this system being hopefully re-implemented correctly sometime in the near future. :)


New Member
I was waging war with my neighbour. He got pushed back to one small village that he just captured. I spied some strong forces in it which I think was tribe mates support. Then I scouted it and all troops were gone and the village had turned grey! During the same day. No 14 days had passed. Then I scouted the village and there were no forces. When I attacked I got killed with some troops but not with others. Finally I defeated a small defending force that the spies had not discovered.
How does a village turn grey in 1 hour? I heard that if a player "drops all his points" it does but what does this mean? Will there still be troops in there or should there only be any former supporting troops? What happened to the player that owned the village? Is he still in the game?


You can leave the game and your villa will turn barb, no need to wait for the time limit to be up. If there are troops in the villa when you leave the game they will stay. It is possible that he had sent them out on a farming run and that they had returned and they caught you. Or you could have lost troops against his wall, morale will also play a part in your troop loss if it was bad against you. He would only still be in the game if he has restarted elsewhere, but that means he starts from the very beginning again and with only the 1 villa.


New Member
I am not sure if I should post a new thread or just reply to this one - BUT what is the update with this?


They will fix it I think but not soon... just to give you a realistic prediction. :D