Unclickable Buttons


New Member
Hello, after the last update, i started to have some problem, for some reason, most buttons are unable to click and i have to reload the page, it's becoming annoying because sometimes im typing a message and everything freezes, i can't edit the message or send it, my option is to click a button that is able to close the current screen, but it only fixes when i reload the page, i have a reason to believe it's due to message, a lot of times when i receive a new message it frezes. not sure though


Which browser are you using?
On what world? Can you send us screenshots of the issues?


New Member
well, a screenshot wouldn't help much, i'll make a video and upload on youtube, but i don't want to give information to other players, i will link video in PM
i use Chrome, im on world 3


In the video you need to make sure that you reproduce it perfectly. Otherwise it's going to be ultimately harder for us to solve the bug.


This happens occasionally to me but when it does i find that the map also half disappears. and the part that disappears directly matches where an open half screen would be. then my map is no longer scroll about and half the buttons don't work. clicking the ones that do work don't fix the problem either. but i can still do the actions that do work. say i click the unit bar i can sti recruit troops and it works but i can't click a village and send an attack until i refresh and go through the landing page again. I'm also on chrome. but i'm on experior so i guess it applies to all worlds.


So you're saying that links move somewhere else on the screen? So rather than becoming non-existent they just simply relocate?