Forwarded Spy launch order


From my experience, spys currently send most expensive first and then cheapest last (higher numbers spys first), however since this is always more expensive to replace if they die, so to get around it I will launch the expensive ones at a safe destination, then the cheaper one at my target and cancel the expensive one. Since send order is something that can be worked around (though its a little annoying) I think it would be better if the cheapest spys were sent before the more expensive ones, even if its calculated that the most expensive one sent dies first as it is currently?

I was wondering what other peoples thoughts on the matter are.


I really like the idea on saving resources I've spent to replace my spies, but to be honest I don't recruit 5 spies to be able to spy 5 different targets at the same time. I'm doing it to be able to send them all to spy on hard target to have better chance to get some information and to have better protection against enemy spies. So having 5 spies means have better chance to win in attack and have better protection in defence. And for better you always have to pay more. From my opinion this is pretty sound justification for the current system and it should NOT be changed.


edufinn;n11024 said:
I really like the idea on saving resources I've spent to replace my spies, but to be honest I don't recruit 5 spies to be able to spy 5 different targets at the same time. I'm doing it to be able to send them all to spy on hard target to have better chance to get some information and to have better protection against enemy spies. So having 5 spies means have better chance to win in attack and have better protection in defence. And for better you always have to pay more. From my opinion this is pretty sound justification for the current system and it should NOT be changed.

I think you misunderstand what im saying, I'm not saying you should make spy #1 die first, the most expensive spy sent SHOULD be the one to die, as you're taking more of a risk but gain more by sending more spies, however when you choose to send less than all of your spies, say because you want to keep some spies in defence, the cheaper spies should be launched first.

Currently if I have 5, and launch 4, spy 1, the cheapest will be the one left behind, however I suggest its the other way around, since if your 4 spies die, you're punished for owning 5 spies, not for using them. This is something that you can easily get around by launching then cancelling the spare spies you want to keep in your village (as the expensive spy will leave first)

Does this clear it up at all?


I agree the spy business is way unbalanced. The 5th spy costs a boat load of resources. If so he should be freaking immortal or something. Also why cant any of the spies complete a sabotage mission and come back alive. Serious I didn't think I would be recruiting for suicide spy missions