Spy countermeasure exchange


My question is just one of logistics. If i send my spy and the enemy uses exchange and would happen to get a report on my village would the report be the most current or the state of the village at the time the spy left.

Say i sent my spies and 4 hours later sent several fakes say 30 rams. would the report the enemy gets show that 30 of my rams are out of the village or would it show that they all were in the village which is how my spy would know it to be since he has no way of knowing that my 30 rams were sent. I'm just curious because if the enemy did get the latter he would then be able to see that all the attacks from that village are fake assuming no real attacks were sent from that village.


The spies should report on what is in the villa at the time they land. If all troops are in villa and the spy has a successful green report he will see what is there.


I'm talking about if the spy is unsuccessful and the enemy is the one who gets a report on my village using exchange is the answer still the same?