Not a bug Nobles attacking own city... bug or not?


If sending four separate nobles to attack an enemy city, if the third noble captures the city, the fourth will then attack your own village, causing casualties and the loss of your noble, depending on the army setups. Is this really intended? Seems like a ridiculous feature, if so. Takes half a day for my nobles to reach a target village and then if I send one too few, I have to wait an entire 24 hours for those nobles to return and be able to send just one or two back again? With no guarantee on how many it will take if the village has morale between 25-35%? So I have to send two again.. or just one and run the chance of having to wait another 24 hours if it wasn't enough. Can anybody clarify if this is really the intended game mechanic? That's enough to make me quit putting so much time into this game, if so. Absolutely not worth that hassle.


Yes, this is intended.

You ordered an attack on the city, and as you can attack yourself normally, this attack will carry through.
It sometimes only takes 3 nobles to conquer a village, other times it can take up to 5 nobles. This is also something to calculate in your attack plans.