Feedback New world


New Member
Having 3 month server duration is a nice change but there are still so many other issues that should be addressed.
Syrio Forel mentioned 2 of the major issues. Pay2win tribe skills and MRTs.

Being able to crown a tribe up to 43 skill points week 1 may benefit InnoGames short term but it is horrible for the actual game.

My suggestion for beta is to cap skill points at 5 per week increasing weekly as the server matures. This way you won't have 43 point tribes until week 9 of a 12 week server and significantly level the playing field for players/tribes who don't want to drop $1000+ on crowns right at the beginning of a world.

InnoGames need to find better ways to earn money than giving such widespread lopsided advantages that only require 1 player to make reality. Perhaps higher quality items with a limited duration that you need to purchase in-game that encourage actual combat would be a much better alternative. Single use double speed noble attacks, 3 hour immunity items, level 5 weapon unlocks etc.

Without a reduction in tribe size even if a smaller tribe is winning the remaining tribes could all merge in the last week to potentially take the number 1 spot. A cap of 40 members would encourage many more tribes, less one-sided tribe battles and remove MRTs and merging almost completely.

My other main issue with the current game is the rampant use of bots at least on the EN servers, in a game where those who farm the most are usually the victors something really needs to be done to weed out as much cheating as possible otherwise the player base following the rules will eventually leave for games that are taking better measures to combat cheating.

Personally I would love to see barbarians villages removed completely, remove farming and barb capping from the game completely and significantly boost the res pits to compensate with more res production items in the cash shop. This would remove one of the major benefits of botting and also level the playing field more by removing the major advantage gained from farming and time played, thus making combat significantly more important for tribes and individuals. Won't happen but I can dream.

Since I'm suggesting pipe dreams add speed worlds, capped player count worlds or capped size worlds, crown buy-in worlds with increased rewards/additional restrictions like no crown usage or FFAs with no tribes.

Having ANY variety from the overplayed standard layout is sorely needed, at least from my perspective.

Cheers, JeTi

dutch pirate

Senior Moderator
Tribal Wars 2 team
Noted @JeTi and some of your points are spot on. I recognize your concern with the big tribes (among other things). Please know that we do pass on these concerns (I dont think removing the barbarians will make it though) and your concerns are taken seriously. For now I won't write a big reply on the other points, since it is really hot and all and I'm melting already ;)