Forwarded Market place easy to use


Inside the market the problem is the language:
To search an offer you have the filter with "I lose" and "I receive" and the results are : "you lose" and "you receive" where "I lose"="You receive"
Is very confusing for players because "you receive" it means in a lot of games that "I am the receiver and not the loser"

Example: I put "I lose wood"/I receive iron" in search filter and after refreshing the results 2 offers apeared : one: "you receive" wood for iron and another: "you receive" iron for wood ...I choosed the 2nd one because I need iron
but "I LOSE IRON" because : 'You receive " is not refering at now I have double wood coming and less iron. Big problem for my warehouse :(


It looks like the change was made, but I still find it a little confusing. The search filter and search results seem to be opposite. For instance, if I set a filter for 'you get timber', all of my results are for 'you give timber'. It seems like one of them is from the view of the trade partner and one is from the player view. Perhaps the filter could say something like 'trade partner offers' and 'you give'. Then the results could say 'trade partner gives' and 'you receive'.


This issue will be solved with the next update. Thank you for your patience.