Rejected Map, reports and crowns


I think it is a little annoying for computer users that when you sroll on the map, and the mouse goes out of the map it jumps away. It would be nice to make it stop or just move a little on computer.

On reports, when you view a report and click on the arrow at the top to show the next one, it is shown, but when you open the reports tab again, the "shown" ones are still marked as new, only the clicked one becomes shown.

And finally if you purchase crowns, you want to spend it wisely, and therefore I want to see how much things cost. But after the first purchase of an increase in building row, there is no more security question, also the amount is not shown therefore, so I accidentally bought me 3 days of protection. Hope there will be confirmation popups next time.

Thank you for reading!


Thanks, you saved me from making a post about reports on the same issue. I agree it is annoying with the maps, haven't used any crowns yet so can't comment on that.


a temporary fix for the reports, if you close the reports and open them back up the ones you used the arrows to see are shown as read :)