Implemented Jump to village


When I'm looking at a battle report and I click 'Jump to village', the map scrolls some, but it is still difficult to tell which village I'm looking for. Would it be possible to put the little green hexagon around it like when you hover over a village?


That would be nice. meanwhile if you need to figure it out just go horizontal from jump to village and vertical from sword man


Thanks for the tip! I'm not sure I follow though... where is the 'sword man'?


Hi Coolmite,

Thank you for your suggestion. Your request was passed on.


coolmite;n3240 said:
Thanks for the tip! I'm not sure I follow though... where is the 'sword man'?
Propably the one in the unit bar in the upper right - please only follow that icon/swordman-"hint" when you have a resolution of approx. 1600x1200 pixels, for everybody else this won't work, as the icons are in a different position. ;)

The village you're jumping to is in the center (vertically and horizontally) of the map view, simple as that :)


I guess that is part of the problem. For me it isn't remotely close to the center. It is about 70% toward the right side of the screen. When I have 3 barbarian villages in close proximity, I have no idea which one I jumped to without paying attention the the coordinates.

edit: OK, I see now. It is pretty close to the center while my battle report is still open. I tend to close that window after I click 'jump to'. That is why it was off to the side. I still feel it would be easier if there was some sort of hi-lite on the village I just jumped to. It isn't as big of a deal now that I know what to look for though. Thanks.