Forwarded improvements to incomings


Now that we are testing out how large scale wars work in TW2 we have come up with some issues that are making it difficult so i will address them here. everyone is welcome to add to this list if they so choose.

problem: it is very hard to link your village if all of your villages have the same name.
solution: adding a option to link via coordinates or name in the link menu would resolve this issue. presently we can only link village name.

Problem: After an attack has landed and troops have survived and head back to their home village, the icon for incomings on the village in the map menu does not disapear and stays there until the troops land back home. this causes problems when you are just browsing the map and trying to note where incomings come from and it turns out that there isnt any incomings and instead its just a long range attack returning home.
Solution: make it so once all incomings have landed, successful or not, that icon disappears.

Problem: When looking at the incoming/support/loyalty bar on the right side of the screen the menu that pops up when you click on it has issues. first the icons, before being clicked, show the proper amount of incomings but when you select them you come to the overview incoming screen. this screen shows all incomings that are going to hit and that have successfully hit. and you cant tell the different between those attacks. I like the idea of knowing when my opponents troops get back home but i dont like that i have no clue which attack is coming to me or going home. as well this screen will always give you support and attacks together so i always end up having to deselect support to see only attacks.
Solution: when selecting the attacks incomings or support incomings make it so it goes to the overview and only shows the one you selected. I.E i want to see the attack heading to my village so i select the attacks button and it brings up the incomings menu with attacks selected only. as well i should be able to easily tell if an attack is incoming or heading back to an enemies village. i suggest a color contrast for such a thing.

Problem: When wanting to view an individual villages incomings you have to go to the map menu and select the village information button to see all attacs and support heading to this village. this is very inconvenient.
Solution: add a way to see an individual villages incoming from the overview incomings window. so you can easily switch between looking at all your incomings from one village and tagging them all and then switch to the next village.

Problem: when bringing up the incomings overview, the list of villages with incomings only covers up about a third of the screen.
Solution: it would be nice if one could collapse the groups, types, and village bar to allow for the village list to encompass a larger amount of the screen.

These are a few problems i can remember now if you wish to have images to help with figuring out exactly what i mean i can see about adding images. however i think i described everything well enough. i will add more problems with the incomings system as i remember them or encounter them


One thing i disagree with is the ability to see when the enemy's attack is going to return home. I don't see why we should have that readily available. Back timing is one of the strategies people use but innogames shouldn't do the work for us. If you can't do the math based on travel times and landing time or don't think about it to do so then you should be able to launch a back time. I don't like the idea that any noob who doesn't use critical thinking skills can just read a number and tell when my nuke returns. if i'm going to be back timed I'd prefer it be a skilled opponent that did so. But I fully agree with the rest it would take away a lot of the micro management that really has nothing to do with the strategy part of this game.

Edit: By micro management I mean the fact that we have to click 6 links just to get to the useful info instead of having it all right on one place and readily usable/filterable.


you are right. i had this fight inside me. one side of me thinks "nice i dont have to do all the calculation and i dont have to work so hard to back time people. i can slack a bit and save myself time that i dont have to spare. but another side of me says ehh i dont like that they made it so easy to back time because a nub could back time me. back timing is usually a way to test the caliber of the player you are facing. if he back times you well you can shake your head and go i approve of this and clap your hands at facing a good opponent. with this it makes it to easy. so i agree with you and disagree because really TW and TW2 take up so much time i really like it if they made somethings require a bit less effort.

on another note the entire game i havent had anyone back time me yet i have. and i even back timed a random noble that hit me when i was asleep and because i saw when it was returning home i back timed it real quick. as a solo player i cant be up all the time so having that is nice. if i had a coplayer i would just blame them for not backtiming it while i was asleep. haha jkjk but still point is i go back and forth on it.