Rejected idea for bulding queue



I would be pleased, if I could change the order in the building queue....

Sometimes the order would better be changed, because e.g. in the second place is a building which is finished earlier then the other and I wished to put it in first place...



I would like to further expand on the above idea. What if there was a stop/start feature on the building queue? The queued buildings are already bought and paid for, all that is required is the time to build them they are essentially commissioned projects. It would be a nice feature to be able to toggle which projects get worked on with perhaps a status bar from 0% - 100%.


Actually, my personal opinion is that they should leave the building queue as it is. Of course it would make it easier BUT I like that it costs 10% to stop a building. Which is of course also what you would pay to stop the building and instead build another one first.

The reason why I like this is because earlier you could just build a lot of stuff to save your ressources with no cost at all. Also it was a free ressource safer if you had to much ressources and your farm was full. It might even be a small little bit more balanced who knows. As i knew it from tw1 people would get a huge queue with their farmed ressources cauze everything got full by farming lots. then just cancel everything and build something else.

Well that's just my personal opinion I don't actually know what developers thought ;)


In TW1 you can change the order of the build queue apart from the one actually building. This didn't incur a penalty as no builds were cancelled. I have previously suggested being able to re order bothe the build and the troop queue.


I think that you should be able to change the order of waiting building orders without any penalty. and also cancelling building orders that are waiting should be without a penalty. because if you look at it realistically, the resources needed for waiting orders are still in the warehouse or they are waiting at the building site, so why would you not be able to put 100% of the resources back in the warehouse? the resources are not jet used at that point.


I don't mind a penalty for canceled orders. You could call it salary paid for moving supply from the warehouse to the work site, then back again. In the case of a stop/start feature the penalty could be added time. The reality is that once something is set in motion there usually is a cost even if said project gets canceled.