Forwarded How many ressources your warehouse contains ?


Something pretty not realistic is that you don't know, when you attack a village and come back plenty of ressources, how many are left in the warehouse. However it seams normal that if you steal ressources in the warehouse, you then know how many it contains !
In addition to that it would be cool to have a marker on the map that indicates, for each fully looted village, when was the last time you fully looted id.


They are going to add a feature that makes someone else do the farming for you.


@maat : I'm not sure to understant your answer .. can you develop it to me please ? :)


If you want extra resources, work for them.

They have already pampered us with easy farming features that were just a privilege in TW1. and rapid growing barbarian villages.

And you are not alone on the map, even if you knew how many resources were at one time since then other players had farmed the village.

You can spike it at your own risk if you want to farm the village alone.


It is not about working for them or not, it is about realism. And of course if somebody farm the village between two attacks you wouldn't be warned. I'm just telling that if you enter a village and robe it, why don't you know how many ressources it contains ? It would be a usefull information that would increase the realism too.


You think its realistic that my troops would waste time sitting and inventorying an enemy village while looting it? I hope my troops wouldn't do that. but if you implement this you better make it all the way realistic so my troops better stay there for the appropriate amount of time it would take to count each of the up to 400000 logs 400000 bricks of clay and 400000 beams of iron that get left behind. We can also throw in human error and make them recount it occasionally. I trust I've made my point?