How did W2 become popular?


You look at W1 and W3, W1 with 11,500 people who joined it and W3 with only 4,000.. Then you look at W22 and it has had 45,000+ who have loged in and played it! Was there a big update at the time or something? I am not counting W4 as it got messed about and ik a few that left after the speed went. I got about 10 people on W4 when speed was acticated as it was fast paced and fun. but thats a different topic all together :)


World 2 was the first world we opened, as we used world 1 for internal testing and some pre-fight scenarios within the team.
So world 2 was the server where everyone pre-registered for, when we first opened the game - therefore the high amount of registrations.