Default zoom


Could you consider making an option in "Options" for the default zoom on map view, like when you log in, or when you press the button "Map view".
When you have 2 or 3 villages it is OK the way it is now, but when you have 10 villages in 3 or 4 provinces it gets annoying and you have to zoom out manually every time to see your villages. and to switch between them.

I know there are arrows at the top, but when you have 10 villages and you want to go from V1 to V5, you have to click 5 times and wait for it to load every time


I was wondering if there would be a drop down menu like in TW1 to make it easy to switch villas instead of scrolling through on the arrow keys. Seems to make sense to me.


+1 to the dropdown ideea. also, when i press the "Jump to village" button at the bottom of the screen, even though the selected village is not in the window it opens it and all i wanted was to center it on my map. make it first center the village and then go inside, even if it is on the screen.


Dropdown idea is in other thread, this is about default zoom on map view