Confused about "Wintertime 2014"


When we hit 3:00 GMT, or server time on the 26th, the time should be set back an hour.
We are unsure of how the game will behave, as this is our first time, with a time change, but it should work like this:

If you send out an attack of 1 hours at 2:30, it should hit at 3:30 - but it will hit at 2:30 server time, as you have set back the time with an hour.
Likewise, if you send an attack at 1:30, with one hour duration, it will hit at the same time, 2:30, as the above example.

Hope that made more sense.


It made some more sense, thank you.
This might not be true, but speculation is fun:

So if you send an attack of 1hour at 23:59 GMT +0 on the 25th , it will be boosted by an hour, when the clock hits 00:00 ?


No. The time isn't rolled back till 3.00 gmt. So no attacks will be affected at 00.00 Only attacks that are travelling at 3.00 gmt before the roll back will be effected. They will land an hour earlier than expected.